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Сообщение от mikel1982
Friday Q and A and Updates
Вебинар без ответов на вопросы.
1. кто пользуется услугами Advertising Coordinator,
можно отказаться без штрафа.
2. В Индии вывод будет проходить прямым депизитом на банковские счета.
Срок вывода 30 дней.
3. Payza поменяла свои условия отчётности на прошлой неделе.
ББ к ним приспосабливается.
4.Частичный вывод на STP и Payza ожидается в начале мая
по мере поступления денег из банковской системы.
5. ББ работает над новыми системами вывода.
окончательного решения пока нет, но скоро будет.
6. ББ обязательно выплатит все деньги, поставленные на вывод.
крис понимает, что это вопрос, который в настоящее время больше всего волнует партнёров.
По поводу обязательств, связанных с трафик пакетами.
ББ работает над новыми правилами и предоставит нам новые решения в следующую пятницу или раньше.
В ewallet для Payza стоит Paid для частичных выплат.
это сделано, что бы предотвратитьвозврат для незаконченных платежей.
В ближайшее время всё будет исправлено.
Интересно правду ли нам говорит дядя Крис 
Friday Q&A Webinar Notes
David Hooker speaking:
Welcome to the call. We are waiting for Chris to get online this morning. We just had a call with him and he is in transit, but will be here in just a few minutes.
Good things are happening here. We are very excited about that. Raj is jumping on the call today also. We know you have many questions. If we don't answer your question today, we always print off the list of questions and have Chris answer them and then send you the answers. Get your people on this call today. We appreciate the "transcribers" who take these webinar notes to the Skype Rooms (that's me LOL

Raj Speaking:
It's been a while and its nice to be on the call. Chris asked me to do some updates for BB.
Account Coordinator. WE have officially ended this. Anyone who signed up in April will be cancelled and you can have your account back now. When you log in, you should see the cancel button on your dashboard.. please cancel your account coordinator service and take back your account.. There will be no penalty.
In India we are happy to announce that we are set up to do direct deposits. there will be a notice for you to accept in your back office. Upload your banking ID and that information.
First Payout for India Bank Deposits will be May 15th. Stellar Point has taken over the payouts for India, and going forward it will be direct deposits.
Whatever withdrawals are done in one calendar monnth will be paid the following the month. In April we will not make you wait the 30 days. Any withdrawaal request before April 30th will be paid May 15th

Please cancel your STP and Payza withdrawal and put your bank deposit in.
Traffic Pack Restriction rule will not go into effect on May 1st.. that has been postponed.
Those are all my updates.
Chris speaking:
Sorry, I just came on the call. Thanks Raj. I will answer questions.
Payout Update - big question.
Let me word it this way. People are looking for comfort and solutions or an announcement of a solution. Apart from my words, that I do assure you that you will get paid. I know you want more evidence of these payouts. Or a new solution for payouts. I know everyone is dying to see that. We are working on a few avenues but nothing is ready yet.
I thank you for your patience. I understand your frustration. Sometimes I feel that some people may think I don't know the situation or how bad it looks. I hear everything and I see all the comments in this forum and in Skype and on the Internet. I get your personal emails. I talk to the leaders and IC's. I do hear everything that's going on. this has been somewhat of a new - as far as the banking world is concerned, we have been getting a very quick lesson on international banking and those challenges when you get into 7 figures of money to move around. WE are working diligently on this challenge. Please have the assurance that BB will be here for a long time. We are working on this and we understand your frustration. We are working on everything in the background.
We are excited about the new India potentials and the new offices around the world we have opened.
Partial STP on the 1st of May. We are waiting on that wire.
Last week we did a partial Payza. We will be doing more Payza soon.
We understand it was marked paid, but the stats will change to paid/partial. It was marked as paid so no one would mistakenly use the reverse option during payouts. Some of these were full payouts and some were partial.
Payza - we used to take the report and do the payout. This has changed now, so we have to retrofit our script for future payouts to Payza.
India (additional) you cannot do a withdrawal without your ID uploaded.. All info for you is in your back office.. read it thoroughly.
Raj has been quite busy with the Stellar Point offices worldwide. Thank you for being here.
I talked about the payouts. I know it's not exactly what you want to hear. We have made strides. The next STP and Payza will be beginning of May. We are waiting on money to hit our accounts to then do those payouts.
I will be in Poland for those sessions, I look forward to that. That's all for today. We will talk soon. Thank you for attending.
(end of webinar)
(Summary transcribed by Linda Lane)