Bitbpro Limited -
Сообщение от Дмитрий Васьков
Я тоже вот что от админа пришло ,он по ходу с наале зарубился ,за рефку ,тот ему проблемы поставил , хз почему ,ну я вчера депнул и ХЕР РЕФКИ ,пусть они сами разбираются ,но так то гнилье все это для инвесторов ,ЕСЛИ АДМИН ТАКОЙ УШЛЕПОК ДЕПАТЬ НЕ РЕКОМЕНДУЮ .
I'm new here. Excuse me a lot if any forum rules violated.
My username at project: terves
I'am in the same situation. My upline is invest-tracing and all my withdrawal requests stay in pending for last 2 days. I think project's admin blocked withdrawals for all invest-tracing's refferals. RCB page of Bitbpro project at monitor has next message "One of our referrra;s deposited $500, the admin doesn't pay him !!!!!" - I think It's a reason of why monitor decided to change status to "Not Paying" - but after that project's admin punished all invest-tracing's refferals.
But why all other refferals should suffer this!
As I see in this thread, referrals of other monitors get their withdrawals successfully.
Monitor ( invest-tracing ), very good (no) decision!