Re: - Banners Broker
BB Leadership Call May 23rd
Chris Smith speaking:
Last Payza payout, in terms of the order, people have asked about the dates -- there are 2 reasons, one is a mistake and one by design. With Payza, it's an Excel sent to the system and it pays based on that file. I created this file and put it together. It is date order, but if someone has say 4 pay requests, we will pay one and move to other members . When I did this, I sorted by ID's, and I forgot to sort by Date (by person). So someone may have received an April payout and March is still pending. By design, due to the OSC investigation, we did choose some of the members who have never been paid before, so that everyone got their money back.
We have some positive feedback about Payza, other than the confusion about the order the payments were made.
the funding is now at STP so I will be working on that to get the CSV files created so I can upload to STP and do payouts. For Payza, the next one will be about 10 days. STP first, then Payza.
India affiliate bank withdrawals - that will happen next month. I'm excited that things are going smooth for that situation in India. India is different from the rest of the world, so India's system is separate. Payouts pending from STP and Payza (old payouts) those will be cleared up on the next couple of payouts.
New Ad Networks -- good news is that we are signing on with another network. We are in finalized talks with them. The network we announced in Dublin is no longer working with us. This is slower than we anticipated, however, we have good intentions and will be signing on additional networks. When this happens your campaigns will go quicker.
Refunds Niagara Event - Chris said that he would give the ICs the correct number to pass on to affiliates so they can call their IC for that information. USA members, may get that information from Paul Mcarthy (I added this: contact Marlon (or me) for more information, if you can't contact Paul directly)
This is a short call -- tomorrow will be the more detailed call.
A couple points - sales going great for the Mercedes Panel! Winner will be announced in July
Caribbean Tour is happenign this weekend, so spread the word if you have friends there, to be a part of this! We will be having seminars during this event. June 25 - June 2.
Members who want to be on this Leaders Call will need to email Paul to request that and to explain why they believe they are a leader and should be on the call.
If you have questions for the next leaders call, email them to Paul in advance of the Leaders Call.
Thanks, and have a great day. See you tomorrow on the General Friday call.
(end of webinar)
__________________<> SKYPE: zalensas27