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Обсуждение проектов, которые в большинстве случаев являются финансовыми пирамидами (мошенничеством) и обещают доходность от 16% до 60% в месяц по минимальному плану.
Date and time
24.03.2024 at 20:45
A deposit of 0.03530841 LTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. Transaction ID cff721e28f03f27f31321a8689fd65a9a18a786bc52e71b22b b86525db5e7a45
Date and time
25.03.2024 at 18:24
A deposit of 0.03530723 LTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. Transaction ID 2b22999c96d4c6526f59a3f4c1eebc981101a3cac99a03aa98 bcdbaf111f9065
Date and time
26.03.2024 at 20:05
A deposit of 0.03530605 LTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. Transaction ID 357fd2035f1e94374474ca96283fd7f8e487b1fe6af3f5a255 4a37787828844a