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Старый 05.07.2013, 02:00
Имя: Igorj
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Re: - Banners Broker

Да я тоже нагоняю инсетива около 10 000 в сутки..
world-success вне форума
Старый 05.07.2013, 07:11
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от world-success Посмотреть сообщение
Да я тоже нагоняю инсетива около 10 000 в сутки..
А вы какую прогу используете?
4111517 вне форума
Старый 05.07.2013, 07:15
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Адрес: Россия . Урал
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от world-success Посмотреть сообщение
Да я тоже нагоняю инсетива около 10 000 в сутки..
нагнать- то можно, но и на бан за такой гон реально нарваться ! реально что-то вывели из нагнанного, деньги получили-- или только нагоняете? у меня вот 5000$ стоит на вывод- а какой

добавлено через 1 минуту
мне смысл ещё нагонять? только рисковать теми деньгами, что на вывод стоят !

Последний раз редактировалось anton7571; 05.07.2013 в 07:16. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
anton7571 вне форума
Старый 05.07.2013, 12:48
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Re: - Banners Broker

Какие прогнозы на то, что сегодня расскажет добрый сказочник Крис? :о)
Anton Wenediktovich вне форума
Старый 05.07.2013, 15:38
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Re: - Banners Broker

вот в чате выложили сегодня инфу -
[14:56:31] По сообщению, связанному с Крисом, выплаты через СТП и Пейзу будут сокращены, не более 1000 долл. в месяц, в первую очередь выплаты будут тем, кто ни разу не получал, или давно ждет денег. Но это не значит, что все получат, тем более, сразу. Для снижения затрат персонал сервисной службы сокращен, поэтому ответы не тикеты будут идти долго, не спрашивайте повторно. Опять они ищут способы заработка, не связанные с инвестированием, ну и прочие грустные вещи.
Андрей Зюков 7 вне форума
Старый 05.07.2013, 16:26
Пол: Мужской
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Андрей Зюков 7 Посмотреть сообщение
вот в чате выложили сегодня инфу -
[14:56:31] По сообщению, связанному с Крисом, выплаты через СТП и Пейзу будут сокращены, не более 1000 долл. в месяц, в первую очередь выплаты будут тем, кто ни разу не получал, или давно ждет денег. Но это не значит, что все получат, тем более, сразу. Для снижения затрат персонал сервисной службы сокращен, поэтому ответы не тикеты будут идти долго, не спрашивайте повторно. Опять они ищут способы заработка, не связанные с инвестированием, ну и прочие грустные вещи.
1000$ на всех?
будем получать по 5 центов
Короче опять новая история началась.
Alejandro606 вне форума
Старый 05.07.2013, 16:39
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Андрей Зюков 7 Посмотреть сообщение
вот в чате выложили сегодня инфу -
[14:56:31] По сообщению, связанному с Крисом, выплаты через СТП и Пейзу будут сокращены, не более 1000 долл. в месяц, в первую очередь выплаты будут тем, кто ни разу не получал, или давно ждет денег. Но это не значит, что все получат, тем более, сразу. Для снижения затрат персонал сервисной службы сокращен, поэтому ответы не тикеты будут идти долго, не спрашивайте повторно. Опять они ищут способы заработка, не связанные с инвестированием, ну и прочие грустные вещи.
Покращення от дяди криса как всегда

Ето если б он стабильно всем етих 1000$ платил каждый месяц- но етот дядинька вообще несобираєтса платить вот вчём вопрос.

Последний раз редактировалось mikel1982; 05.07.2013 в 16:42.
mikel1982 вне форума
Старый 05.07.2013, 17:50
Пол: Мужской
Регистрация: 06.08.2012
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Андрей Зюков 7 Посмотреть сообщение
вот в чате выложили сегодня инфу -
[14:56:31] По сообщению, связанному с Крисом, выплаты через СТП и Пейзу будут сокращены, не более 1000 долл. в месяц, в первую очередь выплаты будут тем, кто ни разу не получал, или давно ждет денег. Но это не значит, что все получат, тем более, сразу. Для снижения затрат персонал сервисной службы сокращен, поэтому ответы не тикеты будут идти долго, не спрашивайте повторно. Опять они ищут способы заработка, не связанные с инвестированием, ну и прочие грустные вещи.
ну наверное мне точно будут ))) от 25го января жду )))
продам панели/пакеты со скидкой. Рефу 100$
MobileMan вне форума
Старый 05.07.2013, 18:01
Имя: Сергей
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Re: - Banners Broker

Дядя крис не зря банеров кучу налепил. Хотите денег заходите на его сайт и щелкайте по ним, набивйте ему денег. чтобы он мог выплачивать.
Fautif вне форума
Старый 05.07.2013, 19:37
Пол: Женский
Регистрация: 05.06.2011
Сообщений: 91
Благодарностей: 0
Re: - Banners Broker

*) BB Friday Q&A Webinar Transcribed Notes by Linda Lane

(please listen to the replay to hear every word - this is just summary notes of what was said)

Chris Smith Speaking

Let's start off with the ads on the website again. (showing his dashboard) I know we've had some inappropriate ads appear and we are sorry for that. We have contacted our ad broker and asked how to remove certain sites. We are going to submit all the sites that are showing inappropriate ads. Please help us by clicking on that and getting the URL, then submit that to us via the FEEDBACK & COMMENTS form. We will submit that to our broker and they will remove them from their database.

BB contract with Stellar Point. we have reduced our contract with Stellar Point, so we have less staff for support. You may notice a slower response time to your support requests. This is not Stellar Point's fault, it is because we've reduced our contract with them. Please remember that the offices in other countries are not officially BB offices, so please direct your questions to our main office.

As of Monday, make sure you have an active choice campaign running for your panels to move. All panels, not just complimentary panels.

Confusion from last week's call. I'm not sure why, but it seems I need to clear some thigns up. Last week I mentioned that we are increasing our scope for what BB'ers can do to keep the panels rolling. I mentioned that there was a slowdown in ad revenue, especially during March. Lower ad revenue equals lower buying power. With Net 45, lower ad revenue in March means that beginning 45 days later we are seeing the slower panel movement. Couple that with the banking issues, and those 2 reasons are why you are seeing the payout issue.

Payouts. We are going in the order of oldest to newest, except if you have several withdrawals. (he gave an example of how that works) You also gain more points if you have never, ever withdrawn before. Those are the three factors. So when I announce a certain payday, doesn't mean all are getting paid on the same day. We are paying out on a regular basis, so based on where you are in the queue, you will get your payout.

Niagara conference - July 20,21. This is coming soon.. For those who are coming out, we have some fun things planned and you will learn alot about the future of BB. YOu can buy the ticket from your eWallet or using a Credit Card.

Guests on the call today:

Paul McCarthy (Ireland):
I want to say a few words about BB and the journey. I started on April 6, 2011. I tried a few other things and come from a conventional background. Chris has pioneered this company and for over 2 years everything was on track. The company has had some challenges, but I'm asking everyone with our 3rd anniversary coming up to join us in helping BB stay around for the long haul. So if Chris asked us to do anything, click on links or whatever it is -- we have over 300,000 members, so please everyone join in when Chris asks us to help. I know that Chris has one thing in mind - the longevity of the company.

Chris again -
We are moving into a new era with BB, a non-passive one. we are moving away from a passive program. Everyone will be mandated to do "something", so the business is not passive. The overall "perception" of BB is that it is a passive program, so we are cleaning up our act to make sure that perception is cleared up and we are here for a long time.

Mark Ghobril:
I'm at an airport, so bear with me. What I want to share is that BB at the moment is having some challenges, but I have no doubt, and I have full faith in Chris and BB. BB will survive and will thrive. Chris is taking steps to address all the issues. Please do not listen to the doom and gloom out there. At this point you are either in this or not. I choose to be in this and draw a line in the sand. Tell the world that BB is here and will be here for a very long time. BB is just unique. I would ask every affiliate to look at giving BB the breathing room they need - a clear agreement - so that we give them latitude they need to fix the issues, and limit our withdrawals. Instead of coming from a position of fear, we should be coming from a position of trust in our leaders and in BB. This would make it so much easier for BB. Don't be driven by fear, but remember what BB has done for all of you in the past and what BB can be for you in the future. Thank you to Chris and the entire team.

Chris again:
Mark is a wonderful leader. There are many of you throughout the world. This is a time for us to be together to get a solution to our problems. I know there is a payout problem and that we are behind. Soon we will be beginning Phase 2 of BB, we are coming up to our 3rd annivarsary, this is a milestone. This is a testament to all of you and a strong team behind the scenes. Many companies do not make it through their first year. Now we must get through these challenging times. We are excited about our future.

This has been a good call. The comments are very good. BElieve in BB, stay with us, and long live BB.

(end of webinar)
(summary notes prepared by Linda Lane and are not official BB transcripts)

добавлено через 2 минуты
и еще в Индии заплатили за апрель

Последний раз редактировалось tata58; 05.07.2013 в 19:40. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
tata58 вне форума
Старый 05.07.2013, 20:27
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: Другое
Регистрация: 08.01.2013
Сообщений: 268
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от tata58 Посмотреть сообщение
*) BB Friday Q&A Webinar Transcribed Notes by Linda Lane

(please listen to the replay to hear every word - this is just summary notes of what was said)

Chris Smith Speaking

Let's start off with the ads on the website again. (showing his dashboard) I know we've had some inappropriate ads appear and we are sorry for that. We have contacted our ad broker and asked how to remove certain sites. We are going to submit all the sites that are showing inappropriate ads. Please help us by clicking on that and getting the URL, then submit that to us via the FEEDBACK & COMMENTS form. We will submit that to our broker and they will remove them from their database.

BB contract with Stellar Point. we have reduced our contract with Stellar Point, so we have less staff for support. You may notice a slower response time to your support requests. This is not Stellar Point's fault, it is because we've reduced our contract with them. Please remember that the offices in other countries are not officially BB offices, so please direct your questions to our main office.

As of Monday, make sure you have an active choice campaign running for your panels to move. All panels, not just complimentary panels.

Confusion from last week's call. I'm not sure why, but it seems I need to clear some thigns up. Last week I mentioned that we are increasing our scope for what BB'ers can do to keep the panels rolling. I mentioned that there was a slowdown in ad revenue, especially during March. Lower ad revenue equals lower buying power. With Net 45, lower ad revenue in March means that beginning 45 days later we are seeing the slower panel movement. Couple that with the banking issues, and those 2 reasons are why you are seeing the payout issue.

Payouts. We are going in the order of oldest to newest, except if you have several withdrawals. (he gave an example of how that works) You also gain more points if you have never, ever withdrawn before. Those are the three factors. So when I announce a certain payday, doesn't mean all are getting paid on the same day. We are paying out on a regular basis, so based on where you are in the queue, you will get your payout.

Niagara conference - July 20,21. This is coming soon.. For those who are coming out, we have some fun things planned and you will learn alot about the future of BB. YOu can buy the ticket from your eWallet or using a Credit Card.

Guests on the call today:

Paul McCarthy (Ireland):
I want to say a few words about BB and the journey. I started on April 6, 2011. I tried a few other things and come from a conventional background. Chris has pioneered this company and for over 2 years everything was on track. The company has had some challenges, but I'm asking everyone with our 3rd anniversary coming up to join us in helping BB stay around for the long haul. So if Chris asked us to do anything, click on links or whatever it is -- we have over 300,000 members, so please everyone join in when Chris asks us to help. I know that Chris has one thing in mind - the longevity of the company.

Chris again -
We are moving into a new era with BB, a non-passive one. we are moving away from a passive program. Everyone will be mandated to do "something", so the business is not passive. The overall "perception" of BB is that it is a passive program, so we are cleaning up our act to make sure that perception is cleared up and we are here for a long time.

Mark Ghobril:
I'm at an airport, so bear with me. What I want to share is that BB at the moment is having some challenges, but I have no doubt, and I have full faith in Chris and BB. BB will survive and will thrive. Chris is taking steps to address all the issues. Please do not listen to the doom and gloom out there. At this point you are either in this or not. I choose to be in this and draw a line in the sand. Tell the world that BB is here and will be here for a very long time. BB is just unique. I would ask every affiliate to look at giving BB the breathing room they need - a clear agreement - so that we give them latitude they need to fix the issues, and limit our withdrawals. Instead of coming from a position of fear, we should be coming from a position of trust in our leaders and in BB. This would make it so much easier for BB. Don't be driven by fear, but remember what BB has done for all of you in the past and what BB can be for you in the future. Thank you to Chris and the entire team.

Chris again:
Mark is a wonderful leader. There are many of you throughout the world. This is a time for us to be together to get a solution to our problems. I know there is a payout problem and that we are behind. Soon we will be beginning Phase 2 of BB, we are coming up to our 3rd annivarsary, this is a milestone. This is a testament to all of you and a strong team behind the scenes. Many companies do not make it through their first year. Now we must get through these challenging times. We are excited about our future.

This has been a good call. The comments are very good. BElieve in BB, stay with us, and long live BB.

(end of webinar)
(summary notes prepared by Linda Lane and are not official BB transcripts)

добавлено через 2 минуты
и еще в Индии заплатили за апрель
Такоє ощущениэ что дядя крис нашы деньги в банк положыл и ждёт когда процент капнет ёму вот с етого процента он понемногу будет капать нам чтобы неговорили что он вообще неплатит,а тем временем панели будут всё медленеэ двыгатса заганяя всех в минус вот вам и схемка дяди криса,потихоньку закрыть кантору.Он со всеми росчитаэтса но когда ето будет ето вопрос, и конечно что многиэ должны будут забирать деньги из пентингов так как платить за трафик и абонплату то придётса, дядя крис выйдет чистым из воды так как будет платить до последнёго но понемногу.

Последний раз редактировалось mikel1982; 05.07.2013 в 20:31.
mikel1982 вне форума
Старый 05.07.2013, 21:27
Пол: Мужской
Регистрация: 21.09.2012
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Re: - Banners Broker

Да.. , уже даже не обещают выплат на этих входных или на следующей недели,как обычно.
dnnl вне форума
Старый 06.07.2013, 01:08
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от anton7571 Посмотреть сообщение
нагнать- то можно, но и на бан за такой гон реально нарваться !

я в час около 2000 ед. траф. нагоняю, могу и больше, работаю давно это не первый мой проект где нужно кликать по ссылкам, не было у меня ни каких банов и у моих партнеров тоже нет проблем.
так что, кто боится, можете и дальше бояться а мы пока поработаем ))

Последний раз редактировалось Klyck; 06.07.2013 в 01:47.
Евгений Егоров вне форума
Старый 06.07.2013, 02:16
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Евгений Егоров Посмотреть сообщение
я в час около 2000 ед. траф. нагоняю, могу и больше, работаю давно это не первый мой проект где нужно кликать по ссылкам, не было у меня ни каких банов и у моих партнеров тоже нет проблем.
так что, кто боится, можете и дальше бояться а мы пока поработаем ))
а какой системой или ботом пользуетесь?
EvgenyFokin вне форума
Старый 06.07.2013, 06:43
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Евгений Егоров Посмотреть сообщение
я в час около 2000 ед. траф. нагоняю, могу и больше, работаю давно это не первый мой проект где нужно кликать по ссылкам, ))
за что тут работаете и кликаете? за идею? за спасибо? за большое спасибо? выплат же давно нет !
я вот вложился в другой проект, что живёт больше брокера и там платят инстантом- нажал на вывод и деньги у тебя на счёте в платёжной системе через минуту !
а здесь ради чего нагонять трафик- ради мифических цифр на мониторе?

Последний раз редактировалось anton7571; 06.07.2013 в 06:48.
anton7571 вне форума
Старый 06.07.2013, 14:27
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от anton7571 Посмотреть сообщение
я вот вложился в другой проект
У нас здесь разговор о нашем проэкте а не о другом!
Размещение ссылок:
Valeri-rus вне форума
Старый 06.07.2013, 16:11
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Евгений Егоров Посмотреть сообщение
я в час около 2000 ед. траф. нагоняю, могу и больше, работаю давно это не первый мой проект где нужно кликать по ссылкам, не было у меня ни каких банов и у моих партнеров тоже нет проблем.
так что, кто боится, можете и дальше бояться а мы пока поработаем ))
Нет такой проги!!!
Mishka66 вне форума
Старый 06.07.2013, 16:25
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Mishka66 Посмотреть сообщение
Нет такой проги!!!
Вообще-то есть, только там в час получается 600-700, но ни как не 2000
AlikBB вне форума
Старый 06.07.2013, 22:06
Пол: Женский
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Re: - Banners Broker

Они говорят о соглашении на короткое время на лимит денег на вывод 500-1000 в месяц. Это было бы здорово. Если это соглашение будет работать и они будут платить, то это намного лучше чем ничего, как сейчас.

During the Leaders' Call on Thursday 4th July Chris asked Mark Ghobril to make some thoughts known. The conclusion after Mark (and then Paul McCarthy) spoke was Chris thanking them and saying he would respond promptly.

As this was during a Leaders' Call we cannot release the text as you realise. However Mark has asked that we publish a resume of his thoughts as if this is to move forward it needs support from a big majority of Affiliates as well as from BBI and Chris.

Well, I think that some of the concepts we have right now have lead to where there are a lot of withdrawals of course, and what we're kinda thinking is, you know having these withdrawals and having a lot of people waiting and waiting and a lot of frustration going out on out there I have personally have made a move to start to reverse some of the withdrawals and we're kinda coming up with the idea that if till we get over the hump in the new processor that, you know, we kinda put out there that we focus on getting any that have not kinda recouped their initial purchase to get those ones caught up and for the rest of the affiliates maybe to maybe look at an idea of implementing them instead of every week have a monthly limit maybe $500 or $1000.

I think that if people are getting something & I know that in the past there was such a small amount that we ended up getting $100 partial payments I think if we could move to more of a monthly minimum and people were getting something consistently until we get over this hump that is certainly one of the ideas and this would need to be an initiative that we would need to do put forth by the affiliates this isn't something that BB would mandate this is something that, you know, we are all this together and in my view the more the affiliates end up being kind of negative, the more it goes against what we're trying to do and its really about keeping us positive, keeping us focused and everybody wins in that scenario.

And I think that its easy to buy into em a lot of the stuff out there but really we just need to have the faith and draw the line in the sand. We need to make that solid commitment, you know Chris you've been a great awesome leader, you've been there supporting us, you've been there putting out the information and sometimes its not the information you want to hear but its the necessary information that we need to hear and I think that if we put together some sort of Contract or Agreement between the Affiliates and yourself so that we're given a clear guideline as to when things are going to be resolved and if its going to be 3 months to get this implemented then so be it you now, basically something that allows the affiliates to see the light at the end of the tunnel and at the same time prevent the run on money or the massive amounts of withdrawals that are of course adding to the issue and that's kind of where I'm at.

To make this more clear Mark is suggesting that everyone accepts a short term ceiling on payments of $500 or $1000 a month. In return Chris will give us a "contract" that tells us clearly the tineframe for
-the new processor
-the upcoming changes
-anything else relevant.

This comes after the acceptance that BB has a CASH FLOW problem at this time. NOT a general REVENUE problem as Chris tried to explain in the webinar, revenue is down for a short period now due to the site not operating in March. Chris is not denying that there are cash flow issues that are part of the payment problem but he makes it clear that this must not be interpreted as an overall problem with the BB is just a short term problem and Mark's suggestion came about after discussions on this with Chris.
Chris wants to do something like this to try to get out a bigger number of smaller payments.

You must note that, at this time, this is something up for discussion NOT something that is GOING to happen. Intelligent, thoughtful answers here will help bring it to fruition and help secure the long term future of BB
tata58 вне форума
Старый 06.07.2013, 22:38
Регистрация: 18.12.2012
Сообщений: 23
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Re: - Banners Broker

Евгений Егоров

А вы не думаете, что физически человек может накликать в сутки около 5000 трафика с одного аккаунта, то есть 1-1.5 часа кликать потом отдых минут 30, итак 4-5 раз в сутки!

А вы говорите накручиваете по 2000 в час, можно конечно с помощью виртуальных машин накрутить не спорю, но ваш аккаунт будет забанен в скором времени.

На месте админов ББ я бы настроил их систему так, чтобы те кто накручивает свыше 5000 трафика, их брать на карандаш и банить сначала на неделю, а потом если не понимают то перманент.
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