Re: - Banners Broker
*) BB Friday Q&A Webinar 8/2/13
Chris Smith speaking:
Ok, we have it working. Sorry, GotoMeeting updated and something wasn't working right. I apologize.
On the screen you do see the Create My Banners website. This is LIVE since last week. We are accepting registrations for it. This is non related to BB, so you need to create a separate account. Everyone has asked what they can do to help BB, this is an inexpensive tool, so you can help by registering for Create My Banners. We store your banners, so you even use on other sites. The fee is $25/yr or $3/month.
We are coming up with other sites to help your business, as well.
One update for India: India is separate in terms of how business is operated. The rules and corporate structure is different. We tried having StellarPoint India do the support for India and facilitate payouts. We have now ended that relationship for India only. BB will now be handling payouts for India. Starting today, the StellarPoint office will no longer be used for India. Please use BB.
Update for payment solution. As we said, these things take time. On the positive side, it is looking good for what we can accomplish.
We made an announcement in Niagara. First will be people who have seen no money at all. Those who have seen 10, 20 times their money will be farther down the list. For those people, yes you well deserve your payout and worked hard for it, and we appreciate everyone who is with us. Those who have not yet received anything on the publishing side yet will be first. then we will go by date order.
We have reduced the withdrawal to $250/wk or $1,000/mo. This is temporary. We are coming out with BB 3.0, with a new 2013 style of website and application. We will be using the new technology to sustain the amount of traffic that we have. We will be getting this new system in place moving away from passive earning.
BB 3.0 and new payout processor, will it be before Christmas? We will not go into 2014 in this condition, so this should be early Fall, definitely not end of the year.
Trouble accessing the website? The site is optimized for Firefox. Other browsers will work, but IE does have problems. Please try using Firefox.
BB manual update with BB 3.0? Yes most things will be new and a complete rebuild, so there will be new tutorials, new manual and new webinars as guides for the next version.
There are good comments in the scroll. There are also negative comments, but a lot of people are being supportive of BB and will continue to be here and do what is asked of them to be part of BB. We have been here for almost 3 years, and we will get through what we're doing on our end and move forward into the next phase of BB!!
One last thing, last couple of days there were problems logging in. there has been no change. The speed of the site is now good, but we implemented server-side cache. (Chris explained this - please see replay) On our end we can clear the server-side cache - I can do this from my iPhone. Please communicate with your leaders and I will clear the server-side cache, if needed. Version 3.0 will take care of all these issues.
That's all for today. There are 500 questions, a lot repeated, a lot about payouts. Hold tight. It's coming. If you haven't been paid yet, you will be getting something.
BB 3.0 is just around the corner, stick with us. And thank you for being here today.
(end of webinar)
(summary notes by Linda Lane, and not an official BB transcript) (please see replay for more info)