Re: - Banners Broker
BB Friday Q&A Webinar 12/13/13
Chris Smith speaking:
Let's get rolling. Thanks for coming to the call. We are going over a few things today.
First, an STP payout went out on December the 11th. We have another one that will come before Christmas. I know STP has dates for deadlines for withdrawing to get to your bank before Christmas, so we will do one prior to those dates.
Payza run before Christmas, as well. Today a reversal of all of the Payza withdrawals that were set to go to the USA members. Payza is no longer available in the USA. Read all that info on Payza's blog for more details. However, I didn't just read about it, I contacted Payza and asked if it was true that we shoudl not pay anyone in the USA, and they said, "yes, that is correct." Therefore, we have to do a reversal of those pending requests. It is unfortunate, but you will have to use STP or wait for the new payment provider for Version 3.
BannersMobile, thank everyone who has registered and paid for your package. Your accounts are already there at BannersMobile, so all members can log in and see your account. This is to keep your team in place, if you want to do so. The way this will work is, you must get your package in order to remain in the database with your team. AT the 30 day mark we will remove the database and start fresh. We may extend this time a little bit because of the Christmas holidays for the opt-in period. Allied Wallet is working better now. There was a hiccup, but it has been fixed.
Sales are doing very well with BannersMobile, so it's time to get involved. I know people are asking about the plans for the future, as I have said in other webinars, our BB family is growing and we are welcoming a new member, BannersMobile, and the other siblings are welcoming our new member into the family. Mobile is a great opportunity and as a company we have made the decision to move into the mobile advertising industry with BannersMobile.
Over the Christmas break, we've had alot of discussion about the launch of Version 3. I know we stated that we would be ready to go live this year. We are ready, but we have decided not to release the new version over the holidays. One, the support team will be away on holidays. Two, we want you to be able to promote Version 3 properly, and trying to do this over the Christmas break would be more difficult. We are ready to go live in January, and we will be letting you know the actual breaks. We have gotten confirmation from our new Payment Provider that they will be ready, so you will be able to give your information to the new provider to get that set up,. We will be announcing this in the upcoming weeks, and announce steps for you to get rolling.
I don't want any false ideas with the new payment provider. I want to make it very clear and I am saying it here and now, the new payment provider will "help" with the problems of payouts, but it will not fix everything. This does not mean that everyone will suddenly be paid when the new system goes live. The new provider will help, it is the road to recovery, and it will be a process. There will be limitations in terms of traffic and what can be done at one time. There will be a process in place. We cannot bombard the system all at once.
I believe 2014 will be a great year for us as a company. For those of you who were at Niagara, we announced alot of new sister companies coming in the future.
A couple other things, the timeline for the Telsa draw. We want to do this during the period of time when the BB site is offline and we are doing a migration. There will be a blackout period for going live. All of the existing data will be transferred over to the new BB3 version. This will be from 3 days to a week. We will get more details on the migration timeframe as time goes forward. In Version 2 we did it over the Christmas break and went live on January 2nd. We are doing something very similar, but not actually over the break. This time we will do it when we come back. The blackout period then will be in the beginning of the New Year when all programmers and support team are back and ready for this process.
Will payouts in the future be manual or automated? So the difference is this, one of the problems with Version 2 is that in order to do the actual "queue", the order of who is to get paid, the system cannot handle the calculation in order to deliver that order. The order is doing manually, but the payout is automated. But in Version 3 that component will be automated, so this will be good. So we will upload the CSV file and the payout will happen quicker. In Version 3 we are looking forward to having a more regular schedule. So in Version 2 the delays are because of the manual part of it.
Do we need to upload ID's again? The new system will be similar to how you did with Allied Wallet or STP, so you will have to upload info.
Payout to India? India is not segmented or different from the rest of the world. There was a time when we were paying India separately, but those days have long gone. India is back into the fold and treated the same as other countries for payouts.
How long does it take for Orange panel to complete? We've always gotten questions like this. It's simply based on internet traffic. You can probably guesstimate based on historical data, so you can estimate based on it being a $300 panel, similar to the Green $270 panel, so use that for estimations.
Some are asking about BannersMobile. It is the same company, but a separate division. Some are saying, if I'm not being paid from BB, why should I join BannersMobile? Well, it is coming from our same main company, but is is a different division. If it makes economical sense to you and you believe money can be made, you should make your decision on that. It's an independent decision, independent from BB. There is a separate accounting system, separate money, so the decision is yours. We have looked at the system, we have good connections with the advertising network. We know there are billions of dollars in this mobile advertising industry, and we are tapping into that industry. Please choose wisely and make your decision. We have hundreds of people who are joining the Mobile site, so don't be left behind.
USA and place in the queue for reversed Payza withdrawals. We will earmark the dates of the withdrawals requests and try to maintain an order for the queue. I know this is important, so we will earmark the dates of the original withdrawals to be fair.
Withdrawals for India to bank accounts? You can also reverse those. This was a separate system and payouts are no longer going out in that manner. We will earmark the timeline to help you with your place in the queue.
Just a question about documents. BB already has your documents, but that was for the BB debit card system. the new system will be a separate eWallet so it's separated from us and you will need to do that again.
If you had issues paying out to BB, why are we spending our money on a new program? I want to be clear that the BannersMobile platform is the new platform, same as Version 3. They will be separate, but we did not spend new money to do a new system. It was just tapping into the new brokers and using the BB3 version we already had developed. Up until now we were not making any money on mobile advertising. Now we are able to in a sense have a secondary source of income, more income, so we don't leave any money on the table.
I think I've answered most of the questions. Sorry for the fire alarm confusion. Let's close it off for now. Have yourself a fantastic weekend. I want to say I really appreciate you being here. I know the last few months have been trying. I know you are being pitched other programs. I am in your shoes, as well. I am not on the other side of the fence. We try to understand your side and we are doing our best to handle the payouts. We spend countless hours on this and on Version 3. We are working hard for you. I know alot of you see that. And I want you to know we are here for the future. I feel confident that 2014 will be a great year. Thank you and have a great weekend.
(end of webinar)
(summary notes prepared by Linda Lane and are not meant to be official BB transcripts. Please include this disclaimer with all repostings)