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Старый 18.01.2014, 17:11
Имя: Yuri
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от ptz Посмотреть сообщение
А подробностей не было? Например, по старой очереди закроют долги, или будет уже две очереди стоять за деньгами?
Почему-то у меня 100% уверенность, что в связи с переходом на V3 все заказанные деньги заставят вернуть на баланс акка, а потом уже выводить...
Yuri Kuligin вне форума
Старый 18.01.2014, 17:15
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
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Re: - Banners Broker

Эта новая платега, пустая изнутри))) смысл в ней ?
Рецензирование проектов АТЛАНТ РАСПРАВЛЯЕТ ПЛЕЧИ | Обзоры и Анализ | AURORA START
BIGTREEPROD | Консультации | OMG !!! SKYPE - murad_aka_ali
Murad Ali вне форума
Старый 18.01.2014, 20:13
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Murad Ali Посмотреть сообщение
Эта новая платега, пустая изнутри))) смысл в ней ?
Смысл, скорее всего, в том, что деньги можно будет инстантом переводить на эту платегу, где они и будут оседать навсегда.
Вроде бы баннерс выполнил обещания, вывод - все как положено, в срок, а остальное - это уже проблемы платежной системы...
ptz вне форума
Старый 19.01.2014, 04:14
Пол: Женский
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Re: - Banners Broker

Ron Anderson speaking:

Welcome to the Call, Chris will be with us shortly, and we will have some information regarding BBv3. Please post your questions in the question box. We will be answering as many questions as possible and getting clarification. We are pleased to announce that BBv3 is looking good. We still have some things to complete.

The BannersMobile opt-in period has been extended. Once the opt-in period ends, all accounts will be removed and the compression will happen.

Always cool to see members here from all over the world. We have more people here today than normal, so nice to see so many interested in what's going on.

Chris Smith speaking:

We can't see the PowerPoint but let's get started. Effective immediately a few things are in motion. We have to now stopped the purchases of new panels, new boosters, new TP subscriptions and new fast start packages. Everything in the system will continue as is. Please wait for BBv3 to make purchases again.

As far as the timeline is concerned, I will be honest with you. We have a 38 page PowerPoint presentation to show you, but we have cut it down to 6 pages. The PowerPoint I showed to the Leaders, we have decided that we may not have it right yet, so there WILL BE changes. You know that changes are inevitable, but change must be good for the affiliate and for BB. If it doesn't work for the affiliate then it doesn't work for the business and vice versa. It must work on both sides. We spent a lot of time going over and putting together the details for the migration to have a good flow for transferring to BBv3. We know that a major change is imminent, but the changes that we presented to the leaders, there are some concerns. We have to make the right decision for the affiliates. We spent countless hours putting everything together, many meetings with programmers and leaders, to make sure what we have is good for everyone.

But I would not feel comfortable going through the 38 page PowerPoint with you, since there will be some tweaks to it. We want to have it right before we present it to the entire membership. We want the migration to go smoothly. We have some items that will migrate to BBv3, and some things will remain in BBv2.9.3. BBv2.9.3 will be limited to what you can do there. BBv3 is where you will be doing most all your transaction. The queue in BBv3 will be separate from BBv2.9.3. In order to move from one version to the other it will take a couple weeks to do the change and make it ready to do the change. Then it will take one week for the blackout. I do have the dates now, but if we are going to tweak the items in the migration, then I don't want to announce everything until we are 100% ready with all items. We will have a webinar to announce all changes.

World eWallet will be our chosen gateway for BBv3. Available in all countries throughout the world. (USA is not available but will be coming soon) There are some challenges on the payment processor side. USA is a different animal to deal with, but WeW is working on a solution for the USA. Everyone needs to register for WeW, upload your documents for them, so they can verify you directly.

International registrations, there is another form for you to complete. You can register in a non-English speaking country, but the details are on the WeW side.


There is no Complimentary 2 panel in Banners Mobile. Only Complimentary 1. My reason is that the majority of people are existing BB members. To give away the complimentary would not make sense. The purpose of the complimentary is to introduce new people, but for current affiliates, one complimentary will be all we need. When Comp 1 panels cap, they will create repurchased panels right away

Rational for BB v3

If you know of anyone that you have referred that were just "investors", BB will no longer cater to those people. You will no longer be able to throw money at the program as an investment and make a return. You must earn your income. One of the largest items that made "investment" possible was the TP's. TPs will be limited in BBv3, so the business will be non-passive. We will be encouraging the use of impressions across the advertising channels.

BB v3 will emphasize:
* Inviting
* Advertising
* Choice Network


Payouts - we did a large STP payout. Payza has been queued up and we will do that very, very soon. We know payouts are very important, and at the end of the day you are here to make money. We know this is important and we will stay on top of the payouts to the best of our ability. WeW is the step in the right direction. But BBv3 does NOT mean on day 1 that all BB payouts will be paid. BBv3 is a step in the right direction to make payouts easier, faster and more timely. The sky will not open up and pour out money. But BBv3 and WeW will definitely help. The BBv2.9.3 manual process was very complicated. We have outlived BBv2.9.3 and BBv3 will deal with all those problems and make payouts much simpler and faster.

I will be posting something very soon in terms of the special call for the membership to show the presentation for the new BBv3 items and details.

Thank you for being involved with BannersBroker. Take care and we will talk to you soon.

(end of webinar)
(Summary Notes prepared by Linda Lane and are not meant to be official BB transcripts. Please post this disclaimer with all repostings)
Posted by Banners Broker at 11:02 AM
tata58 вне форума
Старый 19.01.2014, 11:46
Пол: Женский
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Re: - Banners Broker

Вебинар, в сущности, ни о чем. Никакой стоящей информации.
ptz вне форума
Старый 20.01.2014, 22:40
Пол: Женский
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Re: - Banners Broker

ага, как раз моя очередь подошла...
ptz вне форума
Старый 22.01.2014, 15:55
Пол: Мужской
Регистрация: 13.02.2013
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Re: - Banners Broker

http ://
http ://

уберите пробел после http
в проекте 1 год и 1 месяц , у каво больше !!!
mamamamama вне форума
Старый 22.01.2014, 16:14
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сочувствую.. У меня почти такая же история((
А заходил то со скольки?
CoNuk вне форума
Старый 22.01.2014, 18:19
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от CoNuk Посмотреть сообщение
Сочувствую.. У меня почти такая же история((
А заходил то со скольки?
заходил на зеленый пакет и + 1 реферал
mamamamama вне форума
Старый 23.01.2014, 02:31
Имя: Андрей
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Re: - Banners Broker

BB новость разместил "A Payza Payout went out on January 22, 2014." У нас на форуме есть счастливчики?
andri512 вне форума
Старый 23.01.2014, 03:33
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Re: - Banners Broker

Кому нибудь уже утвердили доки на новой платежке???
NewrasheN вне форума
Старый 23.01.2014, 15:56
Имя: Василий
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от NewrasheN Посмотреть сообщение
Кому нибудь уже утвердили доки на новой платежке???
Вчера заходил проверял написано - проверенно/принято. Отправлял скан ВУ и скан квитанции за воду + перевод заверенный оставался от верификации в ББ. Только в платежке пока пусто, нет ни вывода не ввода средств.
Vasiliy Veber вне форума
Старый 23.01.2014, 18:34
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Vasiliy Veber Посмотреть сообщение
Только в платежке пока пусто, нет ни вывода не ввода средств.
это фуфло будет принимать только ввод а вывод пойдет ребятам на оффшорный счет
mihal65 вне форума
Старый 24.01.2014, 13:17
Имя: Игорь
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Адрес: Казахстан, Алматы.
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от mihal65 Посмотреть сообщение
это фуфло будет принимать только ввод а вывод пойдет ребятам на оффшорный счет
Что «фуфло» - полностью согласен.
Не понятно только, зачем было городить такой огород, если уже все бабки участников у него в кармане на оффшорных счетах? Какой в этом смысл? Зачем снова эта возня с дока-ми, если они уже есть в ББ? Неужели Штаты (как они любят это делать) не взяли его за }|{-** за эту крупномасштабную аферу?
XPOMOCOM вне форума
Старый 24.01.2014, 18:08
Имя: Yuri
Пол: Мужской
Адрес: Israel
Инвестирую в: Стартапы
Регистрация: 21.09.2012
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от XPOMOCOM Посмотреть сообщение
Не понятно только, зачем было городить такой огород, если уже все бабки участников у него в кармане на оффшорных счетах? Какой в этом смысл? Зачем снова эта возня с дока-ми, если они уже есть в ББ?
Это чтобы создать видимость для работы и как бы выплат...
Ну а то, что платега не выполняет, то не "наши" проблемы.
Yuri Kuligin вне форума
Старый 25.01.2014, 04:39
Пол: Женский
Регистрация: 05.06.2011
Сообщений: 91
Благодарностей: 0
Re: - Banners Broker

(*) Friday Q&A Webinar 01/24/14

Ron Anderson speaking:

Good Morning, welcome to the call. Opt-in period if winding down. If you are going to sign up for BannersMobile and be in the drawing for one of the prizes, please go in and purchase your package for BannersMobile.

Chris Smith speaking:

(Chris is doing a BB v3 PowerPoint presentation today, so please watch the Webinar replay to understand it completely)

Okay, let's get rolling. Sorry for the late start. Let's get started.

As you know Version 3 is upon us. We have already started off with a few items:
New Panel Purchases
New Traffic Boosters
New Traffic pack subs

Dates for Version 3:
Feb 4 - Blackout of BB2.9
Feb 5 - Tesla Giveaway
Feb 10 - End of opt=in for BannersMobile
Feb 10 - BM down for a bit
Feb 11 - BBv3 Launch

BannersMobile opt-in ends Feb 10th. Accounts that are not active will be purged. If you built a team, you should be in BM and have your team. otherwise you will be removed and not have your team anymore. Please make a decision wisely. Separate company, separate accounting, separate payouts. This is a easy way to be part of the mobile platform advertising world. Lots of prizes will be given away, so please join us.

The Rationale for BBv3
(see slide presentation)
We need to change. We need to recognize how we got here, what were the problems, plug up some holes. BB never was an investment program, however we do have investors inside BB. We were catering to them for a while based on what was available. Now you will have to do something to earn your payout and be part of the advertising channel. Buying packages, using the choice network, incentive tasks, monetizing websites. These are things you will have to do in order for your panels to move. We are trying very hard to be sure BB is here for a long time and no regulators can look at us and see anything wrong. Sometimes change is good. You guys on the call are the ones who are able to help out with the explanation to all the members what are the reasons for the change in order for BB to continue. We are asking for your help. We will be distributing a PDF with all the migration rules. We need your help to explain it to your team, so everyone knows what's happening.

Rapid Panel
$5 to purchase
$5 to cap
Max - 50 per account
No Repurchase

Each week someone receives a $500 payout (instant) as a winner
This is a promotional item for BB v3. There will be a showcase of the winners, with testimonials. This is the purpose fo the rapid panel. It is not to put money in your pocket. It is a selling tool for you to use.

Sales Credit Generation
(please see the slideshow for details)

3 Generations of sales credits.
Gen 1 - Complimentary 1 100%
Gen 2 - Complimentary 2 0%
Gen 3 - Repurchased panels 0%

Purchased Panels
4 Generations
Purchased Panel 100%
Repurchased Panel 50%
Repurchased Panel 25%
Repurchased Panel 0%

Rollups - 0%

3.0 Packages will be the SAME
Yellow $10
Purple $30
Blue $90

Admin Fee (3 months will be included in package price)
Impression pack included (25,000 impressions)
3x Rapid Panels

Total: Example
$215 Blue or $485 Green

Fast Start only available through a Red Package. Commissions given once the package is paid for

Sales commissions:
Impression Packs = 25% ($6.25)

Traffic packs = None
Traffic boosters - None

Referrals of affiliates with free accounts. With version3 we have finally recoded this process.
(please see the replay for this detail)

Subscription Level
Standard stays at Standard
Premium stays at Premium
Executive begins at Premium

First month admin fee is only $10 for everyone. After that $100 for Premium, $500 for Executive.

Your $10 can go toward whatever admin fee you choose. You have 90 days to pay this. All accounts that are not activated will be removed in 90 days from launch date.

Admin fee will be lower for some countries. Standard = $7.50 Premium $50.
(please watch the webianr for a full explanation and list of countries)

Migrating Accounts:

Negative accounts:
50% is credited by BB
50% will have to be paid by the affiliate
The Credit from BB will have to be paid within 120 days.

Affiliates whose accounts were managed by Account Coordinators and are now in the negative will receive a full 100% credit advanced.... and you will have 120 days to pay this.

This way everyone can begin bb3 with a zero balance and will ahve plenty of time to pay your negative balance.

Negative Accounts in bb3

We will be much more strict in BB3. Panels will not move, you will lose bonus traffic, many things will happen if you go negative.

Subscription Protection is available for $100 which covers you for 6 months and the above things will not happen if you have this. $500 for Executive (please see the webinar for detail explanation)

This way no one will be caught by surprise with a negative account

Traffic Packs


You can still have TP's with limits
Standard - 1 Pack
Premium - 9 packs
Executive - 30 packs

Traffic Pack stipulations - Each affiliate is allowed a basic amount, and can add more based on your referrals.
Standard +1
Premium +2
Exectuive +3

Traffic Packs - more TP's through incentives will be coming in the future.

(please see the slide for SUBSCRIPTION DIFFERENCES)
Standard, Premium and Executive benefits
For example, Executives can earn 10,000 credits for giving webinars weekly.

Multi-Panel Qualification Tool - this is NEW and will be availalbe in the Executive Membership free of charge. Qualify 120 panels at the same time

TP Bonuses - Zero for Standard, 10,000 for Premium, 25,000 for Executive.
(see webinar for detail)

What is Transferring to 3.0?

V2.9 is "tangled and bloated" and we need to untangle it and unbloat it. We need a fresh start and good for all.

3 dates for how this will work for members based on when you joined:
Before Nov 4, 2012
Before Feb 21, 2013
Befoer May 15, 2013

(explantion as to why is on the webinar replay)

Your Logs will not be transferred, different coding, different system, so this will not be transferred, as to panels. I believe withdrawal logs will be transferred (double checking on this)

Impression Bank - `100%
Ad Campaigns - all cancelled, unused impressions will be back in your bank

TP subscriptions - none transferred

Traffic Pack traffic

if allocated 100%
if unallocated - a percentage will fall in line with percentages for panels (see below).

Sales Credits - 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%

Organic Traffic - 100%

Incentive Traffic - 10%
(because this included rollups, which is now deemed to be zero)

Purchased Panels - 30%, 45%, 60%, 75%

(value of the panels will go into your wallet, not the actual panel itself)

Repurchased Panels - 0% will transfer

NEW ACCOUNTS - Comp 1 and Comp 2 will transfer 100%, as well as repurchased from Comp 2.

Qualified panels - moving over 100%, however they will be deemed LEGACY PANELS, when they cap the money goes into LEGACY WALLET. 50% cash - 50% will be the value in impressions rather than a repurchased panel

(end of Part 1)
(to be continued)
[9:03:39 AM] beaches777:
Part 2 (continued)
BB Q&A Webinar 1/24/14

LEGACY WALLET - A new Wallet for bbv3 will be introduced. This will hold money earned in 2.9, based on your join date for BB.

eWallet transfer.

Separate queue for Legacy Wallet and eWallet. Separate payouts, separate withdrawals

Available to Withdraw - up to $200 cash
Advertising Credits - 10%
Legacy Wallets - 90%

Withdrawals requests - each Wallet will have only one request entered at one time.


Example: $1200 in eWallet BB2.9
(never withdrawn)
BBv3 - Available to Withdraw $200
Balance as follows:
10% to ad credits
90% to Legacy Wallet

If you have withdrawn before, $0 will go into Available to withdraw, 10% to ad credits and 90% to Legacy Wallet.

All pending withdrawal requests will be reversed and the system will take your earliest date and enter "generate" a new withdrawal for you. This queue will be in proper date order. this will be a HUGE IMPROVEMENT. It will be more transparent and you will know where you are in the queue in V3. This will be fair for everyone.

I am happy we have come this far. I love BannersBroker and I love the people and I love the concept and I love the advertising concept. I want to spend my future with BB. All I need is you. Our leaders are on board. WE have a great team, great support team, and great programming team. We have a great manager in Belize running our office down there. Thanks goes out to all involved.

We need to change for the better so that BB will continue for a long time. Ron is answering questions on the chat.

Ron - all is good. The webinar will be posted in the back office, so your teams can review this.


This is one of the largest webinars we have had in some time. I am glad to see you all here and your involvement. I am putting up the launch dates again. We are right around the corner. We want to make sure that you are prepared for BBv3.

BannersMobile, please check it out. After the blackout you will lose your spot with your team. Be a part of BB and continue on with us.

I could talk forever in terms of how much I appreciate all of your support. it's been so great. I am working with a group of fantastic people, leaders in the field, people who are making things happen. Keep up the great work. We are making sure we maintain and preserve BannersBroker. I am excited and pumped up. let's bring on Version 3! Have a GREAT weekend.

(end of webinar - please see the replay for details on BB3)
(notes prepared by Linda Lane and are official BB transcripts, please include this with all repostings)
tata58 вне форума
Старый 25.01.2014, 09:34
Пол: Мужской
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Регистрация: 07.07.2012
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Re: - Banners Broker

Новости довольно стремные, особенно в части переноса наших пожитков на v3

Purchased Panels - 30%, 45%, 60%, 75%
Repurchased Panels - 0% will transfer
Qualified panels - moving over 100%, however they will be deemed LEGACY PANELS, when they cap the money goes into LEGACY WALLET. 50% cash - 50% will be the value in impressions rather than a repurchased panel
4111517 вне форума
Старый 25.01.2014, 12:47
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Re: - Banners Broker

Ну вот и пришли к самому главному_ все выплаты будут отменены) Ставьте их заново. Вот это уже полный лохотрон. Идут по пути Джастбинпейда.
Альгамбра вне форума
Старый 25.01.2014, 14:55
Имя: Виктор
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от XPOMOCOM Посмотреть сообщение
Что «фуфло» - полностью согласен.
Не понятно только, зачем было городить такой огород, если уже все бабки участников у него в кармане на оффшорных счетах? Какой в этом смысл? Зачем снова эта возня с дока-ми, если они уже есть в ББ? Неужели Штаты (как они любят это делать) не взяли его за }|{-** за эту крупномасштабную аферу?
Как раз чтобы не было за что брать: проект типа работает, тока проблемы с платежкой ("с кем не бывает - пытаемся же решить")
ХАЙПЫ - казино...
Настоящий заработок в MLM.
VvelkoM вне форума
Старый 25.01.2014, 16:02
Пол: Мужской
Регистрация: 12.02.2013
Сообщений: 4
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Re: - Banners Broker

Интересно, когда киллера наймут ,показательную казнь сделать
Stas18 вне форума
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