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Спасибо за рефбэк!
The amount of 4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U11902764->U. Memo: RCB от davidd. Date: 11:55 25.02.18. Batch: 206237541.
Еще один рефбэк, спасибо!
The amount of 2 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U11902764->U. Memo: RCB от davidd. Date: 12:56 25.02.18. Batch: 206243392.
You just received 0.0036 BTC ($37.21 USD)
Sergei Kolesnik just sent you 0.0036 BTC. Your transferred currency is available immediately, and you can view transaction details in your Coinbase account.