Re: - Banners Broker
Friday Q&A Webinar 4/11/14
Ron Anderson speaking:
Welcome to the webinar. Hello to everyone around the world. Great to have such a big turnout today. Lots of updates for you. I also have a great staff answering questions as they can.
The first thing I want to touch on is the biggest thing on your minds - payouts! As of this moment, the payouts are being processed and will be going out before the end of "our" day. Payouts today are v3 payouts. these will be going out weekly on Fridays. Next week is a holiday, so we will be doing payouts on Thursday. We will be doing v3 payouts and Legacy payouts next week. We want to make sure that everyone who has started a v3 account will receive a payout. Payouts did go out last week, and will go out again today and next week on Thursday.
World eWallet: Has put out a press release that they are upgrading their systems. This has postponed their launch so the systems can be integrated. This is unfortunate, but we here at BB support World eWallet and we will keep you up to date as to when WeW is ready for launch. On that note, all WeW payouts requests are being REVERSED. It will be reversed automatically, and you can make withdrawals to Payza or STP in the meantime. We hope this will be resolved soon, but we cannot speak for WeW.
A NEW product that the team has been working on. This is called ViewBoard. This is a new page that you can start all of your Internet searches from. (Please see the video replay for screenshots of this tool) You can also see your BB panel summaries on this page. We are hoping everyone will set this as your homepage. All the BB news and updates will be on this page. New widgets can be added to your page. We will also add incentive items to this page, i.e. a search bar. We have a team working on developing new methods of getting incentive traffic for you to earn more traffic doing so.
Panel Movement: We know that some people like to calculate "when" your panels will cap. We have always said we cannot guarantee when panels will cap. We know that banners do tend to complete in an approcimately same amount of time. People have noticed that in v3 these panels seem to be set to cap in a longer period of time, but please know that the time periods should be similar to BB2.9. One of the reasons for the slowness of the site is because there was no cache (Ron explained this - please see video) Therefore this slowed everything down. A similar thing happened with your panels, and the timeframe was slowed down a little bit. Many panels being submitted at once created a slight bottleneck. Panels bought in the first few days seem to be completing slower than panels bought more recently. But, it's just a matter of math. The panels are now regular, as you were used to, and panel times should be simlar to version 2.9.
Question about Viewboard: You do need to sign up for You do not need to use your BB sign in, as Viewboard is for everyone. If you want access to your BB tools, please login with your same BB details (username/password).
Legacy correction: Many saw funds removed from the AdCredits. There is some confusion over this. (it's explained on the blog - Ron explained again - please see the video replay for that explanation) (summary only here) There was one wrong number in the code during the migration. Everyone got a credit for their package they started BB with. The system was supposed to look at affiliates who had unactivated packages (when you could still purchase multiple packages for transfer) these were to be liquidated and you should have received credits for these unactivated packages. Instead, you received credit for your package, but not for unactivated packages. When the programmers found this issue with the legacy panel credits, they resolved it, and that's why the announcement came after the transition occurred. The team is working hard to make sure everything is done properly. Any changes from now on, I will be notified and you will get info in advance.
BB World Tour: Some info coming out today, ticket prices will be posted, and you will be able to purchase tickets from your eWallet. We are having a promotion where one affiliate will get their trip paid for FREE. You can sumbit a testimonial (instructions will be on the BB World Tour page) these will be reviewed and the affiliate who gets the most votes will win $2,000 towards their trip to Trinidad and Tobago. You will be invited on stage to celebrate being the winner.
Those are all my notes for today.
Weekly tasks: these are coming. We are in the process of developing this, coming very soon. Just make sure you complete your initial tasks when you register.
World Tour tickets: Can we purchase from Legacy Wallet? (Ron showed the ticket page, please see the video replay) Please purchase your ticket well in advance. You can purchase the ticket and you will be sent a BarCode representing your ticket (print or on your smartphone)
Thank you to the team who is answering questions. We appreciate your support. We appreciate all your effort and time that you are putting into your BB account. We are so humbled to see people from all over the world joining us on the webinars. I am looking forward to meeting you in Trinidad. On behalf of the team and Chris, thank you for being with us today.
(end of webinar)
(summary notes prepared by Linda Lane and are not official BB transcripts. Please include this with any reposting!)