Re: - инструкция с накруткой
We only pay you that must share articles or videos to facebook and someone clicks it to read.
Bonus is calculated by the effective articles readings times.
Effective reading refers to the visitors whose Faceebook are log in status and click the articles or videos you shared to read.
Please pay attention to the following situations would be considered invalid reading and no earning:
1. Log in our shared2earn site to choose articles to share, both you and your friends must log in facebook and authorize to shared2earn.
2. shared2earn counts only views from mobile phones but not count all platforms, PC, tablets etc.
3. Unique Cookie,Unique IP per day. Repeat will not be calculated.
4. Close the page in short times, repeat reading, reading too many times(suspect cheating).
5. Send a URL field with articles and videos to friends via the Internet directly and read them, do not pay.
Every effective reading bonus is distinguished with visitors country.
The United States, Britain, Australia, Canada and most European countries are $0.06 / effective reading,
other coutries are $0.01 / effective reading.