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Dear TheGOLDskull,
News Letter Day 19
Hello members and friends and welcome to our third newsletter.
As you know we sent out these newsletters to keep you members updated on news we have and any events, which are coming up.
Itâ?Ts now day 19 and what can we say, stats have grown, member support is great, more and more members are joining us each day. Everything is coming together and we are on an unstoppable path. With your support, we can eventually make this number one. It is vital once you have been paid to possibly post and vote to let other investors know that we are paying. If you do this more and more members will come and the program can survive a very long term.
Just to give you an update on the referral competition here are the current stats:
ID Name Referrals Active Referrals
19 35 14
44 34 12
31 TheGOLDskull 7 4
20 Jodi Kaye 6 4
59 9 4
18 Cindi 3 3
51 hobbitsanalyzing 3 1
39 Jacek M 3 1
53 eplacetobe 5 1
90 Shuangyu Chen 3 0
Remember you can earn 5% referral commission on every active upgrade we receive and also possibly win the referral competition. Please see the website for more details.
Its also great news to say that we have never had a complaint about payments and members is getting paid daily. Most payments are made within 3 hours from when they requested.
We have been non-stop in the forums making many new friends and answering any questions you members have. So if you not busy, come on in to MMG and say hi. Insurenvest was designed by members for members so if you have any suggestions or questions, please approach us. We really are a friendly bunch.
Ad you are aware we have changed over to a new server over the weekend period and I am glad to say it was a complete success and we have finished all problems with the database and have updated memberâ?Ts accounts. This server is a dedicated server so this means. With the secure payment system we already have, it is even more secure. Please note the server time has changed so please check on the website for the current server time.
With the insurenvest lotto we are considering in different opportunities for this. Make it more fun, enjoyable and more successful. Stay turned for more information shortly.
As you have seen on the forums we have decided to add an extra payment processor to insurenvest. This allows more options for the program and also it will strengthen the program too. Currently it looks like e-bullion that we will add, we will shortly let you know what will happen with this. With recent bad news about e-gold, many programs have closed due to people panicking. If you read on e-gold site and updates you will know that e-gold is around and will always be around.
This is why we are thinking of adding an extra digital currency to give members more satisfaction. However if you are like me, I will always stick with e-gold.
We are also thinking one evening a week having a fun evening with our members, where we can all get together in MMG and have chats and possibly play games to bond our members closer. If you want to participate in this please check on the forums on updates of when this will be. This will be a great time to make new friends and have fun. We may possibly hold these on Tuesday or Thursday evenings.
For all those members that are not currently active you are missing on a great opportunity with us. We are determined to make this number one, so come on down and make a test spend with us.
Lastly I would just like to say a big thank you to all members for the support. Many new exciting opportunities lie with insurenvest. Stay tuned for more information.
Yours sincerely
Admins of insurenvest