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Until last week, Coinbase was paying all of the fees when you did a withdrawal. Starting this week, Coinbase stopped paying the fees and we have been paying 50,000 Satoshis on every withdrawal.
There are NO fees if you withdraw to a Coinbase account. But, in order for us to avoid paying fees, you need to enter your Coinbase email address instead of your wallet address.
We would really appreciate it if you could help us out.
1. If you do not have a Coinbase BTC wallet, please go to coinbase.com and get one.
2. Once you have a Coinbase BTC wallet, click on Account and then Edit Profile.
3. Go to the bottom of the screen and enter your Coinbase email address instead of your wallet address.
The quicker you do this the better. We will have no choice but to start charging you fees if you withdraw to a wallet address instead of your Coinbase email address.
I should also mention that withdrawals using Coinbase email addresses are instantly processed since they do not go through the blockchain.
Thanks for your understanding and assistance.
Поскольку Коинбейс теперь взимает комиссии нужно в профиле крана вбить свое мыло (логин коинбейс) вместо прямого адреса кошелька, что бы не платить комиссию при выводе с данного крана.