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05.16.17 14:55; Received Payment +38.72 USD from account U13527151 to account U*. Batch: 176260877. Memo: API Payment. OC247 World Corp Withdrawal Payout to U8239798.
05.18.17 20:11 Account Transfer -10.00 Sent Payment: 10.00 USD to account U13527151 from U13596125. Batch: 176485409. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. OC247 World Corp Investment U13527151 from user U194065624.
05.18.17 19:33; Received Payment +14.52 USD from account U13527151 to account U*. Batch: 176482151. Memo: API Payment. OC247 World Corp Withdrawal Payout to U8239798.