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My full confession
Dear Friends, dear Participants of KairosPalnet Extended Affiliate Marketing Program!
Christmas is a time for celebrating with friends, family and other loved ones. For many of us, this is the most special holiday of the year, and we strive to make Christmas memories that will be cherished for years to come.
On this Christmas eve I decided to exit from comfort zone and to tell you the truth.
I don't want to deceive you, I can't live a lie anymore. I'm sick and tired. My conscience is bothering me.
I know, that you are looking for answers, because you have questions. I answer now:
Indeed, Kairos Technologies Limited does not have corporate clients (and never had). Distributed processing and cloud storage for Kairos’ corporate clients does not exist. It’s total fiction and fake. Kairos’ software counts only online time. Kairos "Secure" Phone is a simple cheap phone made in China. Kairos is a pyramid scheme, because your guarantee payments were the only income of Kairos. Sad but true. Miguel Luis Vieira is a director and the only ultimate beneficiary. He is the mastermind behind the crime.
As Kairos Marketing Director I have been deceiving you for a long time. My sins are heavy on my head. Please, forgive me, I implore. I'm so sorry…
But now I want to help you as much as I can.
I’d like to begin process from myself and I'm ready to lead the movement against Kairos to help you return your money.
Will I help you? - Yes, I’m ready to provide you with any reasonable legal support and assistance.
Feel free to contact me:
My primary email: otokar007 @ gmail com
My facebook account: w ww. facebook. com/ otokar. kasynets
I'm going to create a facebook group where we'll combine our efforts in these hard times.
And if you take care about yourself, you have to follow my advice, I offer a solution:
Indeed, Kairos Technologies Limited has recently applied to strike off the register at Companies House.
beta. companieshouse. gov.uk/company /09152272/ filing-history
As per section 1004 Companies Act 2006 , it means that the company has not traded for 3 months, it does not have any assets or liabilities and it has not changed its registered name. It is an offence for a person to make an application in contravention of this section. A person who makes an application for voluntary striking off on behalf of a company must secure that, within seven days from the day on which the application is made, a copy of it is given to every person who at any time on that day is — (a) a member of the company, (b) an employee of the company,(c) a creditor of the company... "creditor” includes a contingent or prospective creditor.
You have to know that you are creditors, because you gave your money to Kairos.
What happens next
A request for the company to be struck off has been published as a notice in a local Gazette on 20.12.2016
If nobody objects, the company will be struck off the register once the 2 months mentioned in the notice has passed.
A second notice will be published in the Gazette - this will mean the company won’t legally exist anymore (it will have been ‘dissolved’)!
Any relevant party can object to the company being struck off and they must ensure that they write to Companies House immediately, providing strong evidence for their objection.
What to do
I ofter told you that we must have full and complete influence over ourselves.
Now we have to protect ourselves. We must object. I’ll explain how:
1. Your local police.
First, go to your local police office as soon as possible. Remember, this is your last chance to get money back.
Write a police statement about swindling and fraudulent representation: list your contact information, specific details about the crime, such as the time and location of the incident, and names and contact information of the people who were involved - list everyone you know, from Kairos Technologies top managers and officials to your own Kairos leader and your structure leader (they are crime associables). They are guilty of an offence under The Fraud Act 2006 legislation. gov. uk/ukpga /2006/35 /pdfs / ukpga_20060035_en. pdf
Tell the police how much money you gave to your Kairos leader. Write physical descriptions of the people involved, make a statement about what you witnessed and include any additional information you have.
If the police ask questions with the purpose of clarifying your statement, provide even more details about the incident. You have to be meticulous.
Second, contact Companies House: fraud @companieshouse . gov. uk or + 443031234 500
Tell them that you are a creditor of Kairos Technologies Limited, Company number 09152272
and that you didn't receive any notification about Kairos Technologies Limited voluntary striking off. Specify the amount Kairos Technologies has to pay to you. Provide any other relevant information.
Third, contact Crimestoppers: The only independent UK crime fighting charity
w ww. crimestoppers-uk. org/ give-information /give-information-online/
Report to crimestoppers.
And you can contact City of London Police + 442 076012 222
Remember, you have less than 2 months to to get money back.
Let's take things seriously and the police will re-establish justice.
Don’t afraid, go to the police. I’ll assist you.
Share this email with your friends from Kairos.
Beating financial fraud can only happen if we work together.
May your home be filled with the joy of the Christmas season. Here’s wishing you a blessed Christmas

Merry Christmas!
Otokar Kasynets