Мартовская бюллетень:
1) How are we doing?
2) E-gold
3) New program ads
4) Future program adds
How are we doing?
February was a busy month for your dear admin with many new investors; one day server broke down, e-gold blocked accounts, setup of A-Team, blog, and chat. But who said it was easy to run this
Now more than six month has already passed and no changes in the speed of site growth at all. Everything moves as always nice and steady up, up, up!
In February we welcomed 919 new members, upgrades moved to 158 highest a day, and the investment raised by 290%. That is still an awesome performance. If we can just keep it like this (more less can fine do) and I still do my banking investments, this program can go on and on and on.
Becourse of the continuous and steady growth of the program, I have started to prepare the program for higher performance to meet the future growth. Not that it is necessary now and 6 month forward, but better have all ready before hitting the critical level in half year from now. This was done by several steps, like installed program to increase sever apache to run 50% faster and php application 6 times faster. Preparing database to run on own mirror server and setup server on the secure prolexic network.
Everything in program was optimized to the maximum so payments can increase without time delay. Biggest request will therefore be on the support side where ticket system, forum and A-Team comes in, but that's a later subject.
Like you already know by now e-gold has chosen its own way and will for sure not support any AS/HYIP sites any more. This was shown by several ways like starting to block all accounts, which are manageable. Then remove the function to process mass payments on new accounts, and last simply change password for accessing e-gold account. That was the day we stopped using them.
If anyone still wants to buy e-gold for Liberty you can exchange for free or some times even earn 0.5% using swapgold.com . LOL…... That really shows how popular of their exchange services and the direction they are heading.
To my big surprise the change from e-gold to other processors went out over all expectations with no problems. All members seemed to accept it and updated their processors to Liberty Reserve / paypronet or both. Rest of e-gold was transferred to Liberty Reserve where most users are now.
However still have 38 members pending with a small amount of $873 total, who did not react on the 2 mails sent to them. I guess they have plenty of money since they don't miss them. Well, money just waits until they contact.
New program ads.
One new plan was added to meet your future vacation, spending all your money earned from this great program. Three full weeks no surfing plan, so you can relax, enjoy and still earn money. How great is that?
Our own private blog and chat were created on following links.
You are welcome to add your comments and please note that there is monthly competition for best picture added to the blog. Also enjoy the chat site where you can chat with other 14DHS members and talk to A-Teams members, and if you are lucky, with me from time to time.
Future program ads
Next step I am preparing now is a full functional ticket system where externs supporters can help out when needs are for it in future. There will also be a huge knowledge's base to help out most of questions any may have.
Next on the line is to put a live support chat on the site so all can get instant help from one of the A-Team members or me. We can probably not cover it 24/7 but will try make a schedule so most of the time is covered.
I hope you all enjoy your stay in the site, and look forward to the promising great future we all will be having together.
Программа продолжает расти в хорошем темпе. Поэтому админ предпринял несколько шагов по улучшению сервера, что бы с дальнейшим ростом программы не возникло задержек с выплатами по причине DDOS атак и т.д.
E-gold больше не используется в качестве платежной системы.
Были добавлены блог (
https://14days-hits-blog.net), на котором можно оставить свой комментарий о программе, и чат (
https://14dhs.net ), в котором можно пообщаться с другими участниками программы а также с самим админом (часто там бывает).
В дальнейшем планируется добавить онлайн систему поддержку, для помощи новичкам, не 24/7, но около того. Команда поддержки будет состоять из команды A-Team, а также, конечно, из админа.