Re: Консервативный - neva2012 - (Fx-Trend, Panteon Finance)
Сообщение от Мариано Аурелиано
Канадский филиал америтрейд открывает счета гражданам россии. Можно ссылку на "только америтрейд", не могу увидеть.
Which broker will we use?
We will be using TD Ameritrade Institutional. We will provide you with all necessary paperwork to open a TD Ameritrade Institutional account. Lorintine Capital has negotiated a competitive commission rate of only $0.75 per options contract and no ticket charge. Discounted rates on both equities and mutual fund trades are also available.
We are aware that many of our existing and prospective members have accounts with IB. However, members cannot use their existing accounts anyway since all accounts have to be under the institutional platform.
Do we accept international clients?
Yes, although TD Ameritrade Institutional makes all final decisions. If you are not a US citizen please contact Chris or Jesse to find out if your application could be approved. Currently they won't accept Canadian clients. We've considered auto-trading with Interactive Brokers as well but we found out they also will not accept Canadian clients. For this reason we are currently only using TD Ameritrade Institutional.
Ну и на канадском Америтрейде написано, что они открывают счета только резидентам Канады.
Вот в люксембургском филиале счет открыть можно:
Но там может не быть этого сервиса автокопирования через который они работают в Америке.