Слышала (но до конца не разобралась), что Гугл наложил вето на рекламу связанную с еголдом (касается в принципе рекламодателй). Вопрос для меня лично все еще открыт - а не будут ли банить сайты,
публикующие такую рекламу... я о своем
Источник вот:
Dear AdWords Advertiser,
We are writing to inform you of a change to Google’s advertising policies that may affect your AdWords account. In the coming weeks, we will no longer accept AdWords ads that promote e-gold.
Ads and websites are also not accepted for related content which includes, but is not limited to, e-gold exchange, e-gold investment, and e-gold accounts. When we make this change, Google will suspend all ads identified as being in violation of this policy.
If your account is affected by this policy change, please remove any e-gold content from your ad text and website. Current e-gold advertisers are encouraged to instead advertise other products or services that comply with our policies.
As a business, Google must make decisions regarding the advertising that we accept. We apologize for any inconvenience this policy change may cause you.
The Google AdWords Team