Dear Patrol,
We have some important information regarding out Site. Please read Carefully...
We will be moving to a new Dedicated server, in which we will own. We made a mistake and did not realize, our current server was PHP4. PhP4 is being
phased out so we must act now, while its easier.
We have a pretty simple strategical approach.
We will simply Return all Deposits made in 2 Cycles. Cycle 1 will be returned using this Mathematical equation: Total Loaned - Amount Paid To You =
Amount Returned.
Cycle 1 Will ensure everyone broke even.
Cycle 2 - A Little Extra, we will pay everyone who was a Loaner, had a deposit) 10% of their Total Amount Loaned. Cycle 2 will ensure everyone profited
We think this is probably the fairest thing to do.
The time frame, we are not quite sure...A few of our Investments we made, are locked in. However, The site will not be moved until all of Cycle 1 is
So, If You log in one day, and your deposit isn\'t there, before YELLING we stole money...simply check you processor account! Guarantee it\'s there!
--Other News--
We have been unsuccessful in logging into our U-gotCash Account. We tried calling, but the phone just rang and rang. We will continue to try, and also
awaiting email response.
Thats about it. Enjoy your week, Questions or Concerns, please address them in our Support Ticket System.
Best Regards
Cyber-Assets Accounts Department
1) Будут переезжать на новый выделенный сервер, т.к. на нынешний поддерживает только php4.
2) Будет произведен возврат вложенных денег:ваш депозит - выведенная сумма= сумма к возврату.
3) Будет выплачено еще + 10% от вклада, что бы все остались в прибыли.
4) Сроки не известны, но сайт не будет перемещен пока все вклады не будут возвращены.