To all members,
Effective Immediately
This is a change to the Terms of Service.
The 50/50 MUST be purchased from the account in which it will be paid or it will not
qualify. Cashouts will remain pending indefinitely until the 50/50 purchase is satisfied.
This change is temporary until Tri-Star allows withdrawals.
The reason for this change is due to our inability to transfer funds from Money Changers
because of a loophole that has recently become an issue. Members are making larger non
Money Changer upgrades and making the smaller 50/50 purchase with Money Changers. This
would not be a problem, but Tri-Star has made it necessary for us to amend the rule to
reflect the current state and use of Money Changers in our program. We will still allow
the use of multiple processors, but if a cashout is greater then $1400 then the 50/50
upgrade will need to be made from the same processor as the cashout. Accounting for funds
is becoming more difficult due to how DailyROI was setup prior to the events regarding
This change is reflected in the published TOS on the Web site.
We apologize for any inconvenience.