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The amount of 20 USD has been withdrawn from your account. Accounts: U91->U15365690. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Invoice 1291, vlader1980.. Date: 22:32 01.11.17. Batch: 193589640.
✅✅ Payment Received ✅✅
The amount of 5.7 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U16013901->U4227222. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 1105, MYHYIPSNET.. Date: 07:20 01.11.17. Batch: 193202721.
The amount of 7.2 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U16013901->U928хххх. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 1937, oldseaman.. Date: 05:32 04.11.17. Batch: 193840476.