Re: - trafficmonsoon
Сообщение от Andrey Smirnov 1288991253
Ребят всем привет!Я новенький в пайзе подскажите плз там есть такая же штука как в пайпале чтоб вернуть свои если тот или иной проект соскамится?
Сам писал и узнавал-как понял тоько после 45 дней покупки пакета-тоесть никак,шас приведу вес текст-сами переведёте и поделитесь-может я не так понял и обязательно посмотрите ссылку:
My name is Pratik, and let me start by thanking you for contacting us.
I apologize for the delay in responding to your issue. Please note that our Customer Support team is constantly working to provide the quickest and most efficient service possible. However, we are experiencing a high volume of chats and emails which will affect our response time.
If you are not satisfied with a good or service purchased, the option to file a dispute through the Resolution Center is available so long as the transaction is within 45 days. If the transaction is beyond this time frame the status for filing the dispute will read as “Expired” and the option to dispute this transaction will cease.
To file a dispute simply follow these simple steps:
1. Log in to your Payza account
2. Click on the “Account" tab in the navigation menu to the left
3. Click on "Resolution Center"
4. Locate the transaction to dispute against and click on “File dispute”
5. Fill in the required information and click on “Next step”
6. Confirm the information and click on “Next step”
7. Read and agree to Payza’s User Agreement and the seller’s terms of service (if applicable) and click on “Finish”
Once the dispute has been filed please allow the seller up to 7 days to reply through the Resolution Center. Ideally the seller will reply to a message the buyer leaves within 7 days to resolve this issue or vice versa.
To respond to a dispute message follow the steps below:
1. Select the “Account” tab and then click on “Resolution Center” to access the dispute history.
2. Scroll down to review the dispute associated with the: reference number, goods/service provided and the amount listed. Select on “Respond to seller” (or ‘buyer’) to reply.
3. Select the green link “Respond to Seller”.
*Important: If the option to “Close Dispute” was selected and a settlement has not been provided the dispute will remain closed indefinitely with this results.
4. On the following page enter your message in the “Action Board” field to respond. (You have the option of uploading supportive documentation by selecting “Choose File”.)
5. Then select “Send Message” for the message to be posted. (A window will preview the message you want to post for confirmation.) Click on “Send Message”. (Or “Edit”.)
You will need to wait for the seller to reply in order to provide another response.
Once the seller responds it is the buyers (your) responsibility to reply. If a response is not provided to the seller within 7 days we will assume the dispute is resolved and close it.
Please note that if after 15 days of communication the dispute is not resolved a Resolutions Specialist will intervene to facilitate a resolution and the option to negotiate is no longer available.
If you have any other questions regarding this process you can view all other details through our Terms and Service page below under section 6, "The Resolution Center".
h t t p s : / / w w w .p a y z a . c o m / l e g a l - a g r e e m e n t s / p a y za - t e r m s - a n d - c o n d i t i o n s # r e s o l u t io n _ c e n t e r Убрать пробелы
Thanks again for contacting us. If you have any other questions in the future, myself or one of my colleagues will be more than happy to help.
Pratik S
Customer Support Advisor