kairosplanet.com - kairosplanet
Сообщение от Nazar top
И да, чего же ты Сергей сидишь и смотришь на это все? Возьми уже, соберись с Силами, и на конференцию Кайроса едь, там Кочерев и остальные в открытом доступе - выйди на сцену и предупреди людей об опасности, или только тут строчить мастак?!!!На форуме все понимаю в чем участвуют и соизмеряют свои риски, а Вы ребята тупо занимаетесь тролингом 
Есть Силы, которые уже все факты подготовили.
Trouble is – this legend is a lie.
Kairos is a large scale Ponzi/pyramid scheme!
* After one year of Kairos operation, there is no available application for distributed processing and data storage. Application installed and used by affiliates is only their “back office” front-end, developed by freelancer Alexander Polikarpov (one man project) and only purpose of this app is to count online time of affiliates. (I “reverse engineered” software of Kairos client for affiliate PC )
* File _winApp\_disc installed as alleged cloud data storage spaceholder is empty (filled with binary zeroes) and is not used at all.
* So far, there are NO known international corporate clients paying for Kairos services (of course – there is no retail product, so there is no users of this non-existing product)
* So called secure phone(s) developed by Kairos are re-branded cheep phones Xiaomi MI3 and Goophone S5 (Samsung S5 clone) with pre-installed Kairos VoIP application
* software services provided for beta-testing (mail, cloud, VPN, sip-voip) provided to affiliates are in fact hosted on other party server (proxy registration) in Germany and are NOT distributed: (mail.kairos-soft.com) (vpn.kairos-soft.com) (sip.kairos-soft.com) (cloud.kairos-soft.com)
server is very likely running some off-shelf third party solution for these services, not the solution developed by Kairos.
* distributed cloud and data processing services run on unmanaged PC in P2P network of affiliates will never be secure and credible.
* distributed cloud and data processing services run on unmanaged PC in P2P network of affiliates needs a lot of storage rendundancy and thus is not efficient (and economical).
* Corporate clients already have policies and procedures how to manage their confidential data. Basic rule is: don’t put it on public internet, keep it safe within internal systems.
* So Kairos will have very hard time to find any “international corporate clients” interested in putting their confidential data on overpriced, unreliable and technically not secure network of unmanaged PCs. ?
* Kairos as company having only virtual office will have very hard time to find any real (non-virtual) business partner. ?
Думаю справятся и без моей помощи. Будут серьезные разборы - подтяну тяжелую артиллерию