Hey Paul, I see you online maybe you'll answer that:
My referral tried to refer some people to Club4Elite, and that's what happened when one tried to upgrade via Egold:
Error(s) detected:
Incoming Spends Blocked on Recipient e-gold Account 3692373
A Value Limit has been applied to e-gold Account 3692373 (Club4Elite).
No payment can be made to this account while a Value Limit is in place.
If you have any questions regarding this Value Limit, please direct them to your intended counterparty rather than to e-gold.com.
Please note that this message does *not* imply that your account has a Value Limit.
Can you please explain that?
Thank you
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В общем возникла небольшая проблема при апгрейде аккаунта одного из участников - Еголд выдал ошибку о "лимите ценностей" Еголд-аккаунта.
Задал соответствующий вопрос Полу.