Ответ: Внимание! Мошенники рассылают письма с подложными адресами

As a member of Liberty Reserve, you are entitled to participating in our lottery, and we are extremely happy to announce that you have been selected as one of the ten winners. The Liberty Reserve lottery is ( and will be ) a one-time annual event that we started this year and that is held in our administration offices. Ten member accounts have been selected at a random principle and your account is one of them.Your prize is a one-time doubling of a single transaction that you receive in your LR account. There is only one rule - the transaction MUST be made from an e-currency exchanger. That means, for you to benefit from the prize, you will have to buy some Liberty Reserve from an exchanger, and when they fund your account, we will double the sum that entered your LR account. This will not be an automatic process, but done manually by our Support team. So, in essence, what you have to do:
1. Fund your Liberty Reserve account with a sum not larger than 10,000 USD. We have decided to impose this restriction for security purposes. So, if you order and fund your LR account with 10,000 USD, it will be doubled upon receipt, thus leaving you with a balance of 20,000 USD. This is the maximum prize that you can get.
2. Once the transaction has been approved, our Support team will manually modify your account balance.
3. This prize is valid ONLY for your next inexchange transaction coming from an exchanger of ecurrency.
4. This prize is valid for the next 12 days. The deadline for the receipt of the LR funds from the exchanger, eligible for doubling, is 12th July.
5. The sum that would be eligible for doubling, could be anywhere from 1 USD up to 10,000 USD. Please take into account though, that this prize is a one-time event - the more you put into your account, the larger your prize will be.
In order to confirm your willingness to claim your prize, and agree to the above terms, please click on the weblink below and follow the instructions. You will be presented with a few questions, as well as undergo a quick identity verification check. After you have completed the procedure, you will be contacted via email by a representative of our Prize Department, who will give you further instructions and guidance as to how to proceed with your account funding, or answer any other questions you may have.
Note: This prize is not to be considered as an investment of any type. That means, you fund your LR account, get the prize doubling and then do whatever you want with the final sum ( outexchange it, keep it in your LR account, it's up to you ). No strings and obligations attached.
Once again, congratulations!
Liberty Reserve Support team