Re: - Banners Broker
BB Friday Q&A Webinar
Chris speaking:
Thank you for a wonderful success in Ireland. Pics and events will be posted soon.
Bri speaking (chris's assistant) Thank you, Paul, and everyone in Ireland. the team went above and beyond, and the precedent is set high for future tours.
Mick and Paul speaking: PauL: good morning. It's been an honor for BB to come to Ireland for the first World Tour. A lot of questions were asked about the longevity of BB. BB is an incredible company. Chris and Raj are the most credible people I know and both are high in integrity. We are honored to be in business with them. Thank you to Mick for all his help. Thank you Chris and everyone.
Great News about ID approval. We hired a new batch of ID approvers. And we are looking to do all of these very quickly. We have so many new affiliates. We are growing by leaps and bounds.
We have now surpassed 250,000 members, and we are also growing on the corporate side.
Ewallet Page - new tab - Funding Log. All actions to fund will be in one place.
Allied Wallet: Canada has been added to the white list. USA is on the white list. The reason for this is because of rapid fraud. Lots of stolen credit cards lately, so this reduces the possibility of fraud. That's why your ID is required in the system.
Prior to your doing a CC transaction, Allied Wallet is called and they make sure you are on the white list, then your CC is approved to go through. This is necessary to combat fraud.
UMS - another way to fund your account. Limits have been put in place. USD - maximum transaction is $999. Once this is successful, you can spend $2450 per day, up to $7350 per week maximum. UMS is back on track. It was offline, but is online and you can use it now. Please use the LIMITS, as you will not be able to try to do a larger transaction. If you attempt to do this, it will be denied. Please Honor the Limits.
STP was sent out on Dec. 6th, next payout will be next Friday for STP. We are doing this in limited batch size, per STP rules. We will make an effort to be sure to have by Christmas.
BB Credit Cards - 1st Load today, next one will be next week. If you have 4 loads, you will see them one at a time. This is to the end of November. December withdrawals, you will see that Dec. 17th thru 20th.
We know Christmas is around the corner, so here are the withdrawal deadlines:
BB Card Deadline Dec. 14th
STP - December 5th
USA Payout is week of December 10th-14th. For verified bank accounts - members who have already used this process. Non verified bank accounts - 17th to 20th
INDIA - there will be a bank option. We will try this one more time to do direct bank deposit. There are challenges with Payza and STP, but we will try the bank again.
We will reverse your existing requests, please update your bank information, then re-submit your bank withdrawal request.
$15/mo and $100/mo Admin Fees has started for December, based on your anniversary date. This has already started.
Cancelling TP's: You cannot cancel partial TP's. If you cancel, you will cancel ALL TP's
We are trying to schedule the payouts on a definite time schedule for the new year. BB debit cards our goal is to be doing this weekly. We are working on a better schedule for the new year.
database (db) error. We are working on this. Please refresh your screen and keep trying. We know this is happening and are working on it.
Presentation by David Hooker - we will be getting this uploaded to the back office next week so everyone can view this.
Yes, you will receive a 1099 for 2011.
Old Payza payouts - Monday December 10th - we will try to clear up all these old pending payouts.
No payout will be processed for a negative account.
BB World Tour in Niagra Falls in 2012
Our customer service company, Stellapoint is moving into a new building and it is almost complete. we are spending alot of money, time and effort to having this new facility.
No direct bank deposit for UK at this time
Tour Dates will be up on the site soon:
India World Tour - Feb 8-10
Poland World Tour - April
Any plans for iPhone Apps? We will first do a mobile version of the website - lighter version of main site. We are in talks about having an App and we hope to have that in 2013.
Thank you for all the great questions. It was a great Gala Event, and I danced with over 50 BB ladies. It was fun!
Have a great weekend, end of webinar