Re: - JustBeenPaid
Сообщение от Sergey1904
Да бесполезно......Сколько раз уже пробовал восстанавливать этот PIN код, всё по новому,как замкнутый круг.Я так думаю,что по-тихоньку просто аккаунты блокируют и всё.
у меня все нормально прошло и пин я получил оперативно, значит есть надежда ребята))
добавлено через 8 минут
поддержка работает оперативно, получил обнадеживающий ответ)) - Hi YUriy,
Thank you for getting back to us. We appreciate it a lot!
The New Withdrawal system is still in Public Beta operation and it is working. The current maximum withdrawal limit is $100 for Post-PS funds and $50 for Pre-Ps funds. The daily withdrawal limit will be increased from time to time.
Buckets do exist! I am sorry if you still haven't got a Bucket withdrawal. Buckets open regularly on daily basis. There's not a lot of people see that because there's such a high volume of traffic going specifically to that area to withdraw. Queue withdrawals are being paid daily. It is first come first serve withdrawal system. It might be that it is not your turn yet but it is picking up. Please allow us more time to process your pending withdrawal requests.
Please know that the withdrawal concerns are receiving the highest priority at this time with our Executives and Programming Department. They have been working around the clock to provide all our members an ultimate Profit Clicking experience.
All that we can ask at this time is for your continued patience as we work through all these concerns.
Thank you for contacting Profit Clicking,
Chris W, Members Services в трех словах в ведро попасть можно, просто не подошла моя очередь, но она набирает обороты, "*******" работают круглосуточно над решением вопросов))) - тут сомнений быть не должно