Имя: Владимир
Пол: Мужской
Возраст: 37
Адрес: Брянская обл, Климово
Инвестирую в: Другое
Регистрация: 15.09.2012
Сообщений: 205
Благодарностей: 11
Re: bannersbroker.com - Banners Broker
сегодня еще раз попал в чат, так как в первый раз оборвалось и не дали ответ о загрузке новых доков. как грузить если нет кнопки для адреса? да и вообще хотел все удалить и залить по новой. вот переписка-переводите-может кому будет полезной
14:45 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: Hello,How may I help you?
14:45 Vladimir Velbert: Hello company confirmed my proof of address, and the vector rejected.
Load a new document proof of address, I can not - there is no button to download.
What to do? Help, please.
14:46 Vladimir Velbert: Victoria, hello
14:47 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: Was it confirmed
14:47 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: or rejected
14:48 Vladimir Velbert: confirmed, but they are in Russian
14:49 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: Okay, you will need to Replace File
14:49 Vladimir Velbert: I want to download in English, but there is no download button
14:50 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: You need to click on Replace File
14:50 Vladimir Velbert: button does not
14:50 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: are you using Mozilla Firefox?
14:51 Vladimir Velbert: yes
14:51 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: clear your cache and cookies
14:53 Vladimir Velbert: Replace File button is in the Proof of ID. but there is no address. I need to replace address
14:53 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: There is a Replace File section for address as well
14:54 Vladimir Velbert: I know
14:54 Vladimir Velbert: but the buttons are not there
14:55 Vladimir Velbert: written Proof of address has been approved.
14:55 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: oh okay i see this issue
14:56 Vladimir Velbert: can delete the document addresses to new button
14:56 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: no i cannot do so
14:57 Vladimir Velbert: Why?
14:58 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: I do not have the option to
14:59 Vladimir Velbert: and what do I do now?
14:59 Vladimir Velbert: how to load the address?
15:00 Vladimir Velbert: attached to the ID?
15:00 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: You have to wait
15:00 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: I have to have the IT Team adjust this
15:01 Vladimir Velbert: ok
15:03 Vladimir Velbert: then remove and ID.
15:03 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: I cant
15:03 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: The IT Team needs to
15:03 Vladimir Velbert: I will upload in English
15:04 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: yes once they adjust this
15:04 Vladimir Velbert: long?
15:05 Vladimir Velbert: wait
15:05 Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: Yes within 24 hours
15:07 Vladimir Velbert: Thank you Victoria. I will wait. goodbye