Re: Trescetus -
Админ прислал письмо от том, что им угрожает blackmailing группа и что они отказываются платить им.
Dear investors,
We have to inform you about the act of blackmailing us. Less than 3 hours ago we had received a letter from a group of people who threatened us that they will challenge our honest reputation by making it appear that we had closed the project and we are not paying our investors anymore.
We announce that we are not going to yield to the blackmailers' threats because we do an honest job. We are paying the earnings on each of the deposits at this moment. Therefore, we do not have any negative voice on monitors' sites. Also, we are ready to process a final withdrawal of anyone's investment any time as a proof of our honest activity. Additionally, we are ready to pay the earnings on the deposits made by the investors who still believe us.
We do our best to make you confident in our honest intentions. You can choose to stay with us or to leave, if you wish. In case you decide to stay our investor, please forward this letter to the forums which have Trescetus company as a topic of the discussion.
Below please see the correspondence with the blackmailers (attached please see the screen shot of this correspondence):
Далее следут доказательства угроз из которых следует, что и Bookmaker-office поддались их угрозам и заплатили.
Надеюсь, что Trescetus не заплатит, как не заплатил в своё время Atlantis Mutual.