Re: - Banners Broker
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Сегодня общался в чате с Victoria Bannersbroker Canada.Только со второго раза получилось ,т.к первая беседа зависла (или она не хотела отвечать х.з.).Возмутился по этому поводу-получил ответ извини друг технические проблемы

17:14Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: Hello, How may I help you?
17:15Alexsander: regards
how to fill pdf document notarized?
I wonder how I can separate the dates and numbers of the particular direction
if I can use (/, *, -, #, @,)
17:16Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: I have already notified you with the answer of commas.
17:16Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: " , "
17:16Alexsander: why you have not answered me in another chat 10 minutes ago
17:16Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: I did answer,
17:17Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: But it did close, due to a technical error
17:17Alexsander: of all the characters, you can only use a comma?
17:18Alexsander: which characters can be used?
17:18Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: or /
17:18Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: it does not matter, as the pdf is a form for you to fill out
17:18Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: as long as we can be aware of what is written and understand
17:20Alexsander: but people have to failures due to these signs
17:20Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: not for the PDF
17:21Alexsander: 1)used " ," comma
17:21Alexsander: 2) used " / "
17:22Alexsander: I understand you correctly?
17:22Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: okay
17:22Alexsander: but I have the address written:
Rambam 24/35
17:23Alexsander: so right 24/35 ???
17:23Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: okay so is this in your account or on your pdf
17:24Alexsander: and here and there
17:24Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: so is this in your account or on your pdf?
17:25Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: you do not need to have any commas or other invalid characters
17:25Alexsander: how to properly do to get the card from vetor
17:25Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: in your account
17:25Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: in your account
17:25Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: in your account
17:25Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: in your account
17:25Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: Please read what I have stated
17:27Alexsander: invalid characters -email them to me
17:27Alexsander: you answer me exactly
17:27Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: depends if you are inputting in your account
17:27Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: or on the PDF
17:29Alexsander: in an account written 24/35 this is true or it is necessary 24 35 ??
17:30Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: 24 35
17:31Alexsander: for pdf (/, *, -, #, @,) - invalid characters ?
17:32Alexsander: for pdf :house 24 appt 35 ?
17:32Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: yes for pdf you can input it how ever
17:33Alexsander: for pdf :house 24 appt 35 ?
17:35Alexsander: pdf how to write my house and apartment, write me an example of how to write
17:35Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: yes that is fine
17:35Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: as I stated on the PDF you can fill it in however as long as the information is correct
17:36Alexsander: write me an example of how to write house 24 appt 35
17:37Alexsander: ?
17:37Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: house number 24 appt 35
17:38Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: you can write it just like that on the pdf
17:39Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: or you can write it as House # 24 Appartment # 35
17:39Alexsander: and write is to the rules at any time without
17:39Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: it does not matter as long as we can understand
17:39Alexsander: thank you, have a nice day))
17:40Victoria Bannersbroker Canada: You as well, Thank You for contacting BB Support.