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Официальное пояснение от ББ, как они работают, и каким образом зарабатывает они и мы.
How BB actually works from Terry Stern Int PR Director for Stellar Point
BB buys ad space from ad networks with the understanding that they're going to package that ad space up and resell it to their network of affiliates. These packages contain panels, each panel has a certain
value and each has a specific time period it will take for that panel to mature, some as little as 2-3 weeks and some take 5-6 months or more. Each panel also requires a specific amount of traffic to mature. Each panel also has 2 values, what BB paid for it and what it's charging the affiliate for it.
With me so far?
As BB sells the panels through their packages, they require traffic for these panels to generate revenue, which BB purchases in order to service the traffic needs of the panels. In return for purchasing the panels, BB pays a dividend to the affiliate once the panel matures, however, that panel is generating live revenue as the panel is running from the ad network. So BB is generating revenue from the sale of packages to affiliates, as well as from the ad network for serving ads. The ads appear on the ad space BB has purchased from the Broker in the blind network, as well as on publisher sites BB has attracted. Whether BB has 1 site, 100 sites or 100,000 sites in their network , they've already purchased ad space through their affiliation with the ad network, and that ad space rests on sites within the ad blind etwork. So no matter what, there's advertising that will satisfy the panel needs. Since BB is paid every 2 weeks from the ad networks they do business with, and the panels mature at staggered intervals, BB is constantly serving ads and generating income. Now, it's understood no business will pay on its products what it gets paid to sell them, so BB reduces the amount it's paid by the ad networks for that advertising so it can afford to pay its affiliates and generate a profit.
Now since it takes traffic to generate ad revenue, BB purchases bulk traffic from the ad networks as well, which generate upwards of 3 Billion impressions per day. Again, since no company will sell a product for what it pays, it marks up the cost of the traffic to resell to the affiliate, the difference of course is profit for BB, and as BB owns the space and ads keep running, this revenue flows to BB. As it takes impressions to activate panels, and impressions for panels to mature, those impressions or traffic must be purchased up front. Now, an affiliate isn't required to use all their traffic up front, but they must purchase it up front, like a variety store can't buy individual cans of soda, it must buy cases. Since the purchased traffic represents a specific amount, and since each panel requires a different amount to activate, traffic purchases are constantly being made, and since BB only pays for what it uses, there's always going to be a surplus, which represents profit for BB.
So, if we look at things together, BB generates revenue from the banners placed in the space it purchases, and through the amount of time it takes for the panels (which is a virtual representation of an ad space BB purchased in the blind ad network) to mature, it generates revenue from the sale of traffic that it takes to activate those panels, and since it only pays for the traffic it actually uses, that's where the revenue BB generates comes from. Since it pays less to the affiliate than what it earns from the ads, and (to use an analogy) it pays on the cans of soda used not the cases bought, there's a surplus of revenue that represents profit that it can now turn around and pay its affiliates with while maintaining profitable growth.
Any advertising generated either through the site or through affiliates is passed through to the ad networks, BB takes a commission on that sale, and passes 10% to the affiliate for bringing in the business. When it comes to publishers (people looking to monetize their websites with ad revenue), those sites are added to the BB internal or "choice" network, and leveraged with the ad blind network to get better pricing deals. The affiliate is paid 10% of the revenue generated by the ads revenue to the publisher with BB and the publisher splitting the balance.
This is how BB works in a nutshell. We've already established what the Blind Ad Network is, and it can be easily researched. It's easily discovered that these companies all offer the ability for companies to
"resell" their products (ads and traffic) to other resellers. It comes down to packaging really and how these initial "resellers" package what these networks provide to them to add enough value to resell others.
Hopefully, this will explain to you better what BB does and how it does it.
добавлено через 10 минут
А также люди пишут, что уже починили ту ошибку когда люди не могли заказать выплаты на не давно полученные ББ карточки.