Re: - Banners Broker
[QUOTE=Sergii Zinkevych;3884603]ну они говорили что выплаты будут 17го числа. зачем тогда делать такое заявление если они не способны его выполнить. и кто вам сказал что на карту?[/QUOT
говорю,что даже на карточку дольше идут, а на СТП и другие больше времени занимает,просто в таких программа нельзя быть уверенным в сроках и нужно брать с запасом. Вот и всё
добавлено через 3 минуты
вот на другом форуме прочитала по выплатам
Your Question: Why have funds not been paid out today???? Banners Brokers said that Solid Trust Pay payments would be paid today the 17th.
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with Phil Bannersbroker Canada (Canada Support) - Technical Support
20:10Phil Bannersbroker Canada: And how can I help you tonight ?
20:11Jarrett White: No STP payment were paid out today
20:11Jarrett White: they said payments would go out on the 17th
20:12Phil Bannersbroker Canada: Currently we have a high volume of requests that we're processing right now so it causes a small delay. After processing is finished fully it can still take some time for the money to show
20:12Jarrett White: So payment will be recieved today correct?
20:13Phil Bannersbroker Canada: I did not say that
20:14Phil Bannersbroker Canada: I said we are experiencing delays and that we cant guarantee the exact date you will receive your money at this time
Последний раз редактировалось Nata2012; 18.01.2013 в 20:20.
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