Спасибо за Рефбэк!
The amount of
2.20 USD has been deposited to your account.
Accounts: U10313103->U13хххххх.
Memo: Rcb from Allhyips.me, stay with us! Please write about us on our topic on mmgp.
Date: 00:00 25.05.17.
Batch: 177085102.
Мой косяк был, Админ Монитора разрешил всю ситуацию и Доплатил!!!
The amount of
2.9 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U10313103->U13хххххх. Memo: from Allhyips.me.
Date: 00:20 25.05.17.
Batch: 177085730.