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Обсуждение проектов, которые в большинстве случаев являются финансовыми пирамидами (мошенничеством) и обещают доходность от 16% до 60% в месяц по минимальному плану.
Your withdraw request has been completed.
Payment information: Mar 6, 2024 10:38 AMUTC
Payment number/Batch/TXID: 8738e16cafad8cc3b1802b24808d3f20eb04cb5f9352e6ca9a 9ddf021a8196bd
Amount: $1.48 USD
The amount of 5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U44171470->U37796729. Memo: API Payment. Payment via AiTiPay for invoice - 44275548141.. Date: 14:15 06.03.24. Batch: 576229976.
Date and time
06.03.2024 at 19:23
A deposit of 0.03535087 LTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. Transaction ID 4bb5f39cb38a4ea43e2cc5045e25d369de32c4fa664dcdd06e 7126ee6c6a1aad
The amount of 5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U44171470->U37796729. Memo: API Payment. Payment via AiTiPay for invoice - 94683434427.. Date: 14:56 07.03.24. Batch: 576465587.
Date and time
08.03.2024 at 00:11
A deposit of 0.03534703 LTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. Transaction ID 82ab4ebe0bf1f4ee3b5320aadd0576b4ccc2003c7fdd1ed6cd 9a658d44b3cd9f
Date and time
08.03.2024 at 19:27
A deposit of 0.03534319 LTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. Transaction ID a7a09f1f7f3653c6fe37b0ea8f079172a6ce5d3e1e0cc6cb32 a435a8afce21b6
The amount of 5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U44171470->U37796729. Memo: API Payment. Payment via AiTiPay for invoice - 25644097811.. Date: 14:14 08.03.24. Batch: 576699103.
09.03.24 11:20 Receive Received Payment 1.13 USD from account U44171470 to account U128*****. Batch: 576892517. Memo: API Payment. Payment via AiTiPay for invoice - 74211049244.