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Старый 01.02.2013, 09:10
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от West71rus Посмотреть сообщение
Расскажите пожалуйста,работает ли органический трафик?
На данный момент, - нет! Т.к. нет и не было никакой реальной рекламы. А то, что называют как «слепые сети» - нонсенс! Ни один уважающий себя рекламодатель не клюнет на такую утку.
XPOMOCOM вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 11:00
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от ара448 Посмотреть сообщение
а как это делается?
Я имел ввиду обновляйте страницу))

добавлено через 7 минут
Сегодня у кого нибудь панели двигались?

Последний раз редактировалось West71rus; 01.02.2013 в 11:07. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
West71rus вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 11:24
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Re: - Banners Broker

думаю большинство ждет движение кошельков в сторону СТП и Пайза
MrMogikan вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 11:31
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от West71rus Посмотреть сообщение
Сегодня у кого нибудь панели двигались?
у меня не было движения..
Сообщение от MrMogikan Посмотреть сообщение
думаю большинство ждет движение кошельков в сторону СТП и Пайза
если так и дальше будет с выводом на карту ББ, то рейтинг этих вирт. платежных систем поднимется
Станислав Конах вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 12:51
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Re: - Banners Broker

У меня панельки сегодня тоже еще не обновлялись
kadetvs вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 12:56
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от West71rus Посмотреть сообщение
Сегодня у кого нибудь панели двигались?
У меня тоже нет.Даже синяя за 24.11 не закрылась а она мне сейчас так нужнааа..
madrina вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 13:01
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от AlikBB Посмотреть сообщение
Партнеры из Иркутска есть?
есть конечно))
Илья38 вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 13:22
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Re: - Banners Broker

Новости с официального блога
BBI Exciting Announcements

January 29, 2013

It's time for your BBI Bulletin

BBI is excited to announce an all new membership option coming soon called Executive. So for those of you looking to grow your business even further, there will now be three options: Standard, Premium and Executive. Aspects of this exciting new Executive option will be released soon, but it'll be worth the wait. (Don't you love being teased?)

With the new membership option there will also be a new panel level launched, called Prestige! There will be no colour with this panel level but rather a pattern to spruce things up. (Matching wardrobe not included)

Affiliates in India now have a reason to celebrate, because we now have a new provider for pay outs who will be able to wrap up the bank deposit slip issue ASAP. The bank option will be removed for India today, but will be made available again in a couple of weeks as we get the system ready for our provider there.

Regarding the panel speeds, we recognize that over the holidays they did not run at the same speed they have throughout the rest of the year, however there's no reason to be alarmed. This is not something under our control, this just has to do with a drop in internet usage, as less people are online at this time of year, but also keep in mind, that panels don't move at real-time. Also BBI does not guarantee any set times for panels to complete, but as the holiday season is now behind us sufficiently, traffic has once again increased across the net, and it will gradually be reflected in the panels.

Payouts have unfortunately fallen behind, but it's also nothing to worry about. We are rapidly catching up in all aspects, Payza, STP, as well as US Bank deposits.

As of Feb 1, 2013, in order to successfully with draw funds to the BB card you will need to have proper ID uploaded to the system. We are now completely up to date on ID approvals.

Here is some exciting news regarding the BB prepaid card. We have moved this system over to a more automated system to quicken the process for withdrawals. We are currently about a week behind, but again, now that the changes have been made we are catching up rapidly. Our IT team is constantly working to improve your experiences, and we're sure you'll appreciate their efforts. There will also be an announcement soon regarding a reverse option for the e-Wallet. There seems to have been a little confusion over this option, so to help alleviate that confusion we have re-worded the payout 'day limit' to read 'calendar days' as opposed to 'work days', which seemed to be the source of that confusion.

That's all for now so stay tuned. We're constantly working to improve your experience with Banners Broker International, and we appreciate your being a part of our family.

Thanks Everybody
Skype: D3001890
Lomonosov вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 14:01
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Илья38 Посмотреть сообщение
есть конечно))
Илья, а у вас есть ББ карта?
AlikBB вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 15:02
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Re: - Banners Broker



Hello everyone,

The following excellent message was posted on the web by Terry Stern from The Stella Point Corporate Team.
You might want to copy and save it for future use.


Terry Stern says:
January 29, 2013 at 12:52 pm

Hello Everyone, my apologies for the absence. My job requires that my attention go to other avenues, so I’ll address a couple of issues further, then I will take my leave.

First off, Bill, yes I’m THAT Terry Stern.

Second, it’s after reading hundreds of posts on dozens of websites that I’ve realized, none of you actually have looked at BBI the way I’ve been trying to explain you should be, you’ve all been looking at it from the perspective that it’s an advertising company, attracting advertiser dollars to the ad spaces, and not actually getting that it’s a brokerage for ad space and traffic.

So, let’s try this once more, and I’m going to ask that you actually read what I’ve written rather than just skip through it and try and tell me I’m an idiot and unaware of what I’m doing. After almost 20 years in dealing with MLM companies, looking at affiliate programs and helping companies transition from one market to another quite successfully, I have a better understanding of things than you might think. You’re also going to have to start all over and use different eyes if you’re going to want to understand who BBI is and how it works. Grab a coffee, this is going to be a long post.
Banners Broker International, is an online broker of web ad space and traffic impressions. We are NOT an advertising company, nor do we actively solicit advertising from companies. We offer an access point to companies looking to advertise online through their website, but, don’t get involved in the actual process other than to provide access to the brokers we deal with.
The ad space BBI purchases, is done through the broker’s we deal with who own reseller programs, however, BBI isn’t restricted to the specific terms those agreements state, due to a unique system created by Chris Smith. It’s already been stated, that initially when approached, most ad networks didn’t want to work with BBI because they weren’t interested in the program being offered, however, one did.

Now, the program we deal with takes the ad space purchased, breaks the space into ‘panels’ (which are virtual representations of the ad space), and then packages them into different packages. Each ‘panel’ has a different period of time that is required in order for a particular ‘panel’ to cap. Some can take as little as 2-3 weeks, some can take up-to 6+ months to cap. The advertising that is needed to service these ‘panels’ is provided through the ad networks as per the specifics of their program. If you want to know why the ad networks use resellers, ask them, it’s their program, as for why BBI uses affiliates? That’s easy. It’s a great distribution model for a company that wants to move its product quickly across a global landscape. BBI is a direct sales company, not an advertising company, so as such, we don’t subscribe to the traditional advertising model, because it was never intended to be such.
So you’re asking yourself, “where are the ads that go in the spaces we buy?”, the answer is, they’re serviced by the ad networks as part of the agreement BBI has. Since the resellers the ad networks use aren’t advertising companies in themselves, the network services the ads, and through the resellers, can service more ads because they’re servicing more space.

The next issue is traffic, where is it coming from then? The Brokers attract publishers who want to generate revenue from the traffic they attract, but in order to be part of the broker’s network, they need to meet certain criteria. You’ll have to ask them what that criteria is, because we aren’t directly involved in that either, however, once again, we do accept publishers looking to generate revenue, but they’re also passed through to the ad networks for servicing. Any options BBI provides to publishers or advertisers is done so through the software provided to us by the broker, it’s not BBI specific.

Ok, so you’re curious as to where the money comes from.

The brokers charge their clients a certain amount for the traffic that they’re looking for. The broker then services those clients, however, there’s a product called “remnant inventory” which the brokers pass to their resellers to generate revenue from. There’s a considerable amount of it, so there’s no worry about whether it can be sustained or not. Rather than lose the advertiser because the broker couldn’t service their needs, they use the resellers to fulfill the remainder of those contracts, which makes complete sense. The resellers get discounted rates on the ads run through them, but are allowed to mark-up those rates to any resellers they attract through their businesses. So the broker is tier one in this instance, and reseller (BBI for example) is a tier two, and any affiliates would be tier three. So the tier one broker sells space to the advertiser at market price, passes remnant inventory to the tier two resellers at a discount and pays them a discounted rate on servicing that inventory, who discount it even further and pay the tier three affiliate who purchases the ad space through packages. This is where BBI makes the bulk of their revenues, and how it can afford to pay an affiliate up-to twice the initial inventory purchase value back as commission and still earn a profit themselves.
Next comes traffic, because no revenue is earned by anyone without the ads actually being seen. The broker charges the advertiser a set amount for the traffic they want to have see their ads. The broker pays their in-house publisher network a certain amount for the number of ads shown, we’re all familiar with this model. When it comes to resellers however, that rate changes. The broker pays their tier two resellers a set amount for the amount of traffic they serve. Since the amount of traffic is based on what’s actually used, the more a tier two reseller uses, the better price they get on purchasing traffic. Tier two resellers are allowed to sell traffic to their tier 3 resellers or affiliates in any denomination they choose, at whatever pricing they choose, so obviously, in order to make a profit, the tier two reseller is going to mark up the cost of that traffic before selling it. BBI does this in the form of “traffic boosters” or “traffic packs” as you’ve seen them called. BBI pays for what it uses with the broker, but, charges the tier three affiliate up-front. BBI doesn’t require that the affiliate use all that traffic all at once however, they’re allowed to ‘bank’ it for use later if they wish. This gives the affiliate some flexibility in how they manage their ad space or ‘panel’ inventory. This is the second way BBI generates the bulk of its revenue.

You can make the incorrect argument that BBI generates the bulk of its revenue through affiliate sign-ups, however, with BBI having to constantly purchase both space and traffic, until they receive their commissions from the broker for the ad revenue generated, they require capital to purchase the space/traffic. The fees collected by BBI for the packages of space and traffic from its affiliates goes toward augmenting the available capital to purchase space and traffic from the brokers. No company in existence uses 100% its own capital to purchase products, it leverages its profits and sales revenue towards the continuous replenishing of inventory.
At no point does BBI state that any affiliate will “turn $100 to $10,000 overnight”, or any other such get-rich-quick garbage. It states, tha...
if the affiliate sticks with the program, and develops a strategy, that they can generate substantial earnings over time, with most requiring 8-12 months to elapse before any such returns will be seen.

Then there’s the arguments about BBI being a ‘straight-line cycler doubler’, or affiliates using the word ‘purchase’ to describe getting involved. Every company makes mistakes as they grow. Google started in a garage and didn’t do everything right the first time, and they still make mistakes, yet over time they managed to fix things to enable them to grow to where they are today. BBI recognizes that there were initially incorrect verbiage used to describe the BBI program, which is not at all unusual in start-up companies, and as BBI has grown, this verbiage has been adjusted to comply with international rules and regulations. Through the implementation of internal compliance offices, official documentation is being re-worded to correct any misleading statements, and hundreds of affiliates have already been contacted about their websites, blogs, twitter accounts, facebook pages, youtube videos, etc – and are being instructed to either take them down, or correct them to state the proper terminology…and they’ve been very co-operative in complying with our requests. That’s what the International Compliance and International Public Relations departments were created for. It’s going to take time, but it’s happening.
There’s also the issue of people not being paid on time. BBI made the decision, that unless a payment method is universally acceptable for each country they do business in, it’s not an option. There are also international money laundering regulations that an off-shore company has to address in order to comply with the international banking regulations in each country it does business in. This is why PayPal and direct bank deposits aren’t options, because they aren’t universally accepted payment options. STP and Payza were chosen along with the BB pre-paid cards because they complied with our payment needs, however, over time, it’s been realized, that using 3rd party payment processors has created new payment issues, so that’s also changed. Effective Feb 1st, the BB prepaid card will be the only payment option available. Why? Because it’s universally accepted everywhere we do business, and it allows BBI to pay more regularly. Since delays are the #1 issue, switching to this payment method will reduce the time it takes to pay their affiliates and solve these issues.
Lastly, there are some that claim they’ve never been paid. This could be true, but there’s more to the story than you’ve been told. If an affiliate hasn’t been paid, they’ve also been told the reason why. The reasons being: a) their account was in the negative when it came time to issue payment, b) their ID wasn’t complete in their profile, c) they chose the BB card and didn’t have room on card for payment, d)they didn’t activate their BB Card, e) they violated the Terms and Conditions and their
accounts were locked. You might think (e) isn’t legal, however you’d be wrong. Companies are allowed to institute penalties on their clients/customers/members in order to protect themselves from damages, or to recover damages that might have been inflicted against them. When someone for example openly posts negative comments on a blog such as this, those comments damage the company, so the company can lock the account of the abusing member, and the member forfeits any fees paid and revenues earned to compensate the company for any damage their comments have caused. You can call it unfair, but, how else is the company to retrieve their losses at the hands of people that would openly do them harm? You would do the same thing, but in this case because it’s being done to you, it’s wrong? Sorry, but you read the T&C’s, knew the consequences, didn’t play by the rules and lost. Next time play by the rules and you’ll be fine. If you haven’t been paid, and none of the above apply, then my question is, why haven’t you contacted support? They’re at worst 3 days behind in answering tickets, and with over 90% of our affiliates regularly paid, what’s preventing you from getting your situation solved?

So there you have it. Every accusation, assumption, myth, irregularity, misleading comment, anonymous story, about Banners Broker International being a ‘ponzi’ or ‘scam’ all debunked and in the open for all to see, with plain facts anyone can verify if they do their research.

Anyone who still insists that BBI isn’t what it claims to be, has a hidden agenda, is maliciously causing trouble, and doesn’t want to understand.
I no longer feel that my presence is required to address any of the inaccurate claims or accusations placed against the company or its product, but if you would like to contact me you may do so, or you can visit the official company blog for more information.

Thank you.
Thought this might help you all.
DenneD вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 15:33
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Re: - Banners Broker

DenneD, а перевести по-человечьи можно?..
StetS вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 16:10
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от StetS Посмотреть сообщение
DenneD, а перевести по-человечьи можно?..
Пользуйтесь, пожалуйста):
Fdoor вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 16:29
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Fdoor Посмотреть сообщение
Пользуйтесь, пожалуйста):
я просил нормальным человеческим переводом,а не гуугловским!..
StetS вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 16:30
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Re: - Banners Broker

А подскажите пожалуйста, стоимость карточки ВВ равна 35$ ??
Маша Георгиева вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 16:39
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Re: - Banners Broker

Маша Георгиева, 35$ за выпуск карты и пересылку+5.95$ за активацию со счета карты списывается
зарабатываю в Banners Broker, Skype: sam-demonic
splash63 вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 16:43
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Последние новости. Оригинал

BBI Захватывающие Объявления

29 января 2013

Это время для вашего бюллетеня BBI

BBI рада объявить все новые опции членства в ближайшее время называли исполнительной власти. Так что для тех, кто ищет для развития своего бизнеса еще дальше, теперь будет три варианта: стандарт, премиум и исполнительной власти. Аспекты этой захватывающей новой опции Исполнительный будет выпущен в ближайшее время, но это будет стоит подождать. (Разве вы не любите дразнить?)

С новой опцией членства также будет новый уровень панель запуска называется Prestige! Там не будет цвет с этой панелью уровне, но, скорее, картину, чтобы украсить вещи. (Соответствующий гардероб не включены)

Партнеры в Индии теперь есть повод праздновать, потому что теперь у нас есть новый поставщик для оплаты аутов, которые смогут обернуть скольжения банковского вклада вопрос как можно скорее. Банк опция будет удалена в Индии сегодня, но будут снова доступны в течение нескольких недель, как мы получим систему, готовую для наших поставщиков есть.

Что касается панели скоростях, мы признаем, что в праздники они не работают на той же скорости у них на протяжении всего года, однако нет никаких причин для беспокойства. Это не то, что под нашим контролем, это просто связано с падением использование интернета, так как меньше людей он-лайн в это время года, но также иметь в виду, что панели не двигаться в режиме реального времени. Также BBI не гарантирует множество раз для панелей, чтобы закончить, но так как сезон отпусков уже позади достаточно, трафик в очередной раз увеличил всей сети, и она постепенно будет отражено в панели.

Выплаты, к сожалению, отстает, но это также не о чем беспокоиться. Мы быстро догоняет во всех аспектах, Payza, STP, а также американские банковские депозиты.

По состоянию на 1 февраля 2013, для того, чтобы успешно привлекать средства на BB карты необходимо иметь надлежащее ID загружены в систему. Теперь мы полностью в курсе ID согласований.

Вот некоторые интересные новости, касающиеся BB предоплаченных карт. Мы переехали этой системы к более автоматизированной системы для ускорения процесса изъятия. Мы в настоящее время около недели назад, но снова, теперь, что изменения были сделаны, мы догоняют быстро. Наши ИТ-специалисты постоянно работают над улучшением вашего опыта, и мы уверены, что Вы по достоинству оцените их усилия. Там будет также объявлением о скором обратный вариант для электронного бумажника. Там, кажется, было немного путаницы в этой опцией, поэтому, чтобы помочь облегчить эту путаницу мы повторно сформулирован 'дневный срок "выплаты следующим образом:" календарных дней ", а не" работать дней, которые, казалось, источник что путаница.

Вот и все теперь так что следите за обновлениями. Мы постоянно работаем, чтобы улучшить свой опыт работы с Banners Broker International, и мы ценим Ваше быть частью нашей семьи.

Спасибо всем
__________________ Все надежные проекты Инета. Финансовый консультант.
AlexKill вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 16:45
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Re: - Banners Broker

что за нововведения7
Pro_hyip вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 16:46
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Re: - Banners Broker

Добрый день! Скажите у всех есть задержки по выплатам на солидтрастпей? Больше месяца прошло денег нет что делать?
greg777 вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 16:49
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Re: - Banners Broker

greg777, смириться
зарабатываю в Banners Broker, Skype: sam-demonic
splash63 вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 16:54
Пол: Мужской
Регистрация: 23.07.2012
Сообщений: 420
Благодарностей: 0
Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от splash63 Посмотреть сообщение
Я не догоняю, что банерс перестал платить??? До нового года я получил в срок
greg777 вне форума
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Тема Автор Раздел Ответов Последнее сообщение - покупка Rich-media трафика (40 рублей за 1000 показов) Movut Траффик/Ссылки 13 16.12.2012 16:16
Продаю акк в системе wizard-banners, есть рефералы которые приносят ежедневный доход rokin777 Аккаунты/Базы/Ваучеры 6 13.10.2011 03:36