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Старый 01.02.2013, 17:13
Пол: Мужской
Регистрация: 23.07.2012
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Re: - Banners Broker

Николай, сколько стоит заказать карту и можно ли со счёта оплатить? Какое время она идёт до россии? Спасибо. Нет счастья в жизни, Глобал Ван обалванил пол года впустую отдал этим мошенникам, тут хоть что то капает, дак выплаты задерживают.

Последний раз редактировалось greg777; 01.02.2013 в 17:15.
greg777 вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 17:21
Имя: Александр
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от greg777 Посмотреть сообщение
Николай, сколько стоит заказать карту и можно ли со счёта оплатить? Какое время она идёт до россии? Спасибо. Нет счастья в жизни, Глобал Ван обалванил пол года впустую отдал этим мошенникам, тут хоть что то капает, дак выплаты задерживают.
их всегда задерживали, вам под новы год повезло просто.
Карта стоит 35уе, снимают сумму при первом выводе, до России идет месяц с момента одобрения вектора, но ещё одобрение получить надо
MrMogikan вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 17:23
Регистрация: 20.12.2012
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от greg777 Посмотреть сообщение
Глобал Ван обалванил пол года впустую отдал этим мошенникам,
аналогично, меня там тоже развели на 10 у.е., а толку, до сих пор приходят сообщения, что я дожен оплатить ежемес. абонку.. В Баннерсброкер вступил в конце августа прошлого года, так тут хоть можно заработать без рефералов, а там-никак.. Правда, деньгиеще не выводил, карту жду.. но по отзывам платят исправно, хоть и с задержками.
Станислав Конах вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 17:36
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от AlikBB Посмотреть сообщение
Илья, а у вас есть ББ карта?
нет, я еще не заказывал. Аккаунт подтвержден еще до ввода ПДФ формы, но вектор отклонил, естественно...
Илья38 вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 17:45
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Илья38 Посмотреть сообщение
нет, я еще не заказывал. Аккаунт подтвержден еще до ввода ПДФ формы, но вектор отклонил, естественно...
Печаль, беда, тут просто такое дело: от Вектора пришло письмо 10 дней назад, что якобы карта будет через 14-21 день, я просто не хочу её пропустить, а то моему спонсору еще 2 месяца назад пришла, но письма от Вектора не было, он уже примерно неделю воюет с почтовым отделение, чтобы ему отдали заветный пакет... а они там главное говорят: "Ну да, что-то такое было, но оно уже давно лежало, мы не смогли разобрать и убрали пакет в архив, ну вы приходите через дней 7-10, постараемся найти..."
Обожаю нашу слоупочту...
AlikBB вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 17:55
Пол: Женский
Регистрация: 16.10.2012
Сообщений: 13
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Re: - Banners Broker

Objasnite, a kak mozhno zdesj zarabotatj bez referalov, 4to-to nikak ne pojmu

Мод: Запрещено использовать транслит и псевдокириллицу, пользуйтесь сервисом

Последний раз редактировалось Klyck; 01.02.2013 в 18:33.
roma1965 вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 17:59
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от roma1965 Посмотреть сообщение
Objasnite, a kak mozhno zdesj zarabotatj bez referalov, 4to-to nikak ne pojmu
Можно, мой первый реферал с 415 за 4 месяца получил 600, сейчас будет на 400 регистрировать родственника, а остальное заберет
P.S. У него нет рефералов
AlikBB вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 18:03
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от roma1965 Посмотреть сообщение
Objasnite, a kak mozhno zdesj zarabotatj bez referalov, 4to-to nikak ne pojmu
Нужны деньги и время без рефералов ))) и спонсор, который бы вам помогал при необходимости
Коля Прохоров вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 18:06
Регистрация: 20.12.2012
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от AlikBB Посмотреть сообщение
мой первый реферал с 415 за 4 месяца получил 600
получил - имеете ввиду, что именно вывел наличкой из системы или имеете ввиду тотал-счет?
Станислав Конах вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 18:10
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Станислав Конах Посмотреть сообщение
получил - имеете ввиду, что именно вывел наличкой из системы или имеете ввиду тотал-счет?
Конечно что вывел, только не через 4 мес, а через 5 - 5,5 месяцев )))
Коля Прохоров вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 18:14
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Re: - Banners Broker

Нет, именно через 4 месяца, ну или где-то 4.5
AlikBB вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 19:27
Имя: Сергей
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Re: - Banners Broker

Кто в курсе как убрать Нажмите на изображение для увеличения
Название: Снимок11.PNG
Просмотров: 62
Размер:	20.2 Кб
ID:	55643 а то все документы подтверждены а это так и осталось на главной странице и ещё получил 2 рефералов чем отличается стратегия от работы без рефералов открывать по максимуму быстрые панели или есть ещё какие то нюансы(кроме пакета открыл 10 ж +2п+1с и ещё куча трафика есть оставить на потом или открывать щас по максимуму?)
olivares вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 19:55
Имя: Александр
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Re: - Banners Broker

olivares, можете забить на эту надпись, если документы подтверждены, поддержка потом уберет её
MrMogikan вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 19:55
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от olivares Посмотреть сообщение
Кто в курсе как убрать а то все документы подтверждены а это так и осталось на главной странице и ещё получил 2 рефералов чем отличается стратегия от работы без рефералов открывать по максимуму быстрые панели или есть ещё какие то нюансы(кроме пакета открыл 10 ж +2п+1с и ещё куча трафика есть оставить на потом или открывать щас по максимуму?)
та картинка означает, что тебе нужно подтвердить адрес и ID PDF-формой... а потом уже думай о стратегии, иначе могут закрыть твой аккаунт (без подтверждения доков можешь работать до 6 недель)
Станислав Конах вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 20:03
Пол: Мужской
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Re: - Banners Broker

Banners Broker UK Tour
Tarik вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 20:06
Имя: Natali
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Re: - Banners Broker

Что же панельки так не вовремя перестают обновляться.
Nata2012 вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 21:10
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от MrMogikan Посмотреть сообщение
их всегда задерживали, вам под новы год повезло просто.
Карта стоит 35уе, снимают сумму при первом выводе, до России идет месяц с момента одобрения вектора, но ещё одобрение получить надо

С меня сняли 35$ без первого вывода..
Sierte вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 21:21
Имя: Александр
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сообщение от Sierte Посмотреть сообщение
С меня сняли 35$ без первого вывода..
Да, теперь снимают за карту со счёта. Об этом написано в новостях в бекофисе.
skype: washdohodvsegda
Александр Бойцов вне форума
Старый 01.02.2013, 21:43
Имя: Dmitry
Пол: Мужской
Адрес: Ukraine, Kharkov
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Re: - Banners Broker

Сегодняшний (01.02.2013) вебинар от компании
BB Friday Q&A Webinar

Chris Smith speaking


UK World Tour - Manchester, England
Special guest will speak about it today as a guest.
Martin Wilde speaking:
I've been with BB 14 months. Manchesters is my hometown, and making sure you will have a wonderful time at UK World Tour here. We are working hard. Welcome to Manchester. Bring an umbrella. Please visit the link on your dashboard for the
We are short on time, but you may get tickets online. Tickets will go fast. From past BB World Tour meetings you know what a wonderful experience it will be. I am one of the BB Millionaires. I am committed to everything I do, so please do what you can to get to Manchester. Your business will go to a whole new level. 30 pounds for ticket.
Gala Dinner is separate ticket. 45 pounds. The Gala will sell out fast, you will get your money's worth. It is not a Black-tie dinner, but jacket and tie is fine.
30 pounds -- BB World Tour UK
45 pounds -- Gala Dinner (CC only)
75 pounds -- Events + Gala
Live Band
Awesome Dance Floor
Bar open until 1:00 AM
Chris and all Leaders will be at the Gala dinner (and dancing )
We look forward to seeing you there. It will be an outstanding weekend!!

Chris speaking:

Promo video for UK World Tour is on the dashboard and on YouTube

You will need to get two separate tickets on the website. You can use your eWallet for the UK Event, but must use a Credit Card for the Gala Dinner.


STP adn Payza have been going out over the last few days. More going out over the last few days. We are behind but we are catching up as fast as we can.

The internal message on the dashboard was for the IT guys and it was poorly worded, we apologize. Everything is fine with BB Cards.

Beginning February 1st, BB Card will be the only method of payout. Please see our BB Blog. This was announced on the Blog last week.

ID approvals are caught up. 24 hour approval now. Please order your card and get it activated. Please activate your card as soon as you get it, even before you load it. There is a link at BB site for activation. Or you may activate at the Vector website.

Please order your card soon.

New country available - Virgin Islands. Banking information - you can now have only 2 letters for first and last name.

Version 2.9 We are almost done and are in testing stage. Will be live sometime in February. More info will be available to you in during February.

Dashboard has new information. Please visit it often. Twitter is being updated often. The new presentation by David Hooker is now available under Recorded Webinars. Also the PowerPoint is available on your dashboard. Events are also on your dashboard. We have lots of events going on, so please visit our events page.


One of the problems that we had with withdrawals to BB card is people were doing several loads on one day. Each load is max of $2500. The maximum load monthly is $10,000. Do not do muliple loads per week. We are now doing one load per week. Must be 7 days between each load.

If you are making more than $10,000, we have a form for you to follow, and have several options for you to receive that.

Good news for India affiliates. The last pay run is in progress right now. If you had pending bank deposits they are being paid now.

Backoffice how to purchase tickets. There is a Purchase link and a dropdown for Purchase Tickets

BB India Tour - we will get back to you on that. We are in the process of

USA bank deposits are in process as well. You will see them any day now in your account.

BB India - we will have more withdrawal options soon.,

why is $10,000 max load on card? This is mastercard's limit. This will be fine for 80-90% of our affiliates.

We will be adding more Q&A to the website for those questions not answered. Friday's call synopsis will be on our blog.

Please be at the UK World Tour.

Ticket sales will be on site today.

End of webinar
И немножно ответов на вопросы


Audience Question
Q: How do we get tickets ticket function not working
A: Thank you for your question, Support is working on it.

Audience Question
Q: hi...i've had an STP pending withdrawal since 8th Jan... EXACTLY when will this be paid please? I'd appreciate a straight answer... peace..David
A: Thanks for your question David, the withdrawals have been sent so you should be receiving them

Audience Question
Q: BB Tour in Poland is in April or July? Or maybe is some another conference in July?
A: It will be in April

Audience Question
Q: if my balance for spending or purchasing is in negative figure and balance for withdraw is in positive figure...then does it mean that i have positive balance to withdraw the money?
A: yes

Audience Question
Q: I did not get my withdrawal into my bank in Dallas, Tx.
A: The withdrawals have been sent

Audience Question
Q: when willwe recieve pending requests for stp i have several requests pending for stp that were put in over the last few months will all these requests be honoured
A: Thank you for your question, all withdrawals have been sent

Audience Question
Q: Many of us have already booked accomodation for the event so a good indication of when the tickets will be available would be great !
A: Thank you for your excellent question, we are finalizing the details so it will be available in a matter of days!

Audience Question
Q: Why were we given less than 24 hours' notice of David Hooker's Bristol meeting and only under the mysterious heading of Aztec West? Presumably BB did not want us to attend. We are furious.
A: Thank you for voicing your concern I will find out what happened for you

Audience Question
Q: Where r the STP, Payza and US bank deposits we have been promised would be paid out on every Q&A for the past 3 STP is pending since 4 STP user is correct and my bal has always been positive.?
A: Than you for your question, the withdrawals have been made so you should be receiving them shortly

Audience Question
Q: Will STP continue as a payin option to ewallet
A: The Payouts are made on a daily basis, so you should be receiving it shortly

Audience Question
Q: When will withdrawls will be paid, keep on changing the dates?
A: We are making the payouts daily, you shall receive shortly

Audience Question
Q: who can we get the tickets for the gala
A: All BB affiliates! It will be available shortly

Audience Question
Q: when is version 2.9 going live?
A: We are finalizing the details, so you will see it soon

Audience Question
Q: WHEN can WE SEE them?
A: They are being completed every day, you'll see it shortly

Audience Question
Q: If STP and Payza have been paid come a pending since 4 Dec was not among the first paid.that is almost 2 months old.I was at Stellar Point last Monday and Leeann told me that I should have been paid and would escalate my yet NOTHING!
A: We are behind and trying to get caught up. Thank you for your patience.

Audience Question
Q: What is in July in Poland with BB?
A: BB is coming to Poland in April

Audience Question
Q: what will happen if you had a direct deposit pending since 11/01/2012? WILL it go thru?
A: Yes it certainly will, we are doing the withdrawals daily

Audience Question
Q: What time will the event start on Friday please?
A: 6:30pm

Audience Question
Q: STP payouts not receieved since 23red December 2012.. No STP Payouts received by none of the Indian Affiliates in the Month of January 2013.
A: They are being completed daily, so you will receive it shortly

Audience Question
Q: when will version 2.90 become live? ie the new prestige panel come in place?
A: Very soon!

Audience Question
Q: Sue hope you talk about payouts....we are still waiting on Dec...UGH
A: Thank you for your questions, the withdrawals have been made, you'll receive it shortly

Audience Question
Q: Thank you for everything BB, You Rock
A: Thank You So do you

Audience Question
Q: hi.Chris, what about the November pending.
A: Sorry, we are behind, you should be seeing it shortly.

Audience Question
Q: I have sent many tickets regarding the live chat button! WHERE HAS IT GONE FROM THE WEBSITE?
I have sent many tickets regarding the live chat button! WHERE HAS IT GONE FROM THE WEBSITE?
A: We are making some changes. Thank you

Audience Question
Q: Some of my downline members are unable to Fund their Wallet through STP why is this happening?
A: We are working on fixing this error, thank you for your comment

Audience Question
Q: Jimmy and Jovan from Ottawa say hello!!!!
A: Hello

Audience Question
Q: USA BANK Withdrawals are over 40-60 days behind.. When will these be paid? Pending since December!!
A: We are behind, very sorry.

Audience Question
Q: my referals are having funding issues is there any way of making funding easier?
A: We are working on it.

Audience Question
Q: Is there a delay with payouts to bb cards, my payout was due out on the 28th of jan but i havent received it yet
A: The withdrawals have been made, so you'll receive it shortly

Audience Question
Q: ive had withdrawl date pendin from december... how log will STP payments be trasfered from BB
A: The withdrawals have been made, you'll receive them shortly

Audience Question
Q: when will version 2.90 become live? ie the new prestige panel come in place?
A: In February. We are conducting testing.

Audience Question
Q: The Pink "Attention" message keeps showing up even though my ID had been approved originally.
A: Please contact support.

Audience Question
Q: if we called in to activate this, do we need to do this also?
A: It is best if you contact support on this matter for a quick, concise answer

Audience Question
Q: i just checked my stp account. not received any payout from BB
A: The Withdrawals are made daily, you'll receive them shortly

Audience Question
Q: when will version 2.90 become live? ie the new prestige panel come in place?
A: In February, we are currently testing.

Audience Question
Q: I have sent many tickets regarding the live chat button! WHERE HAS IT GONE FROM THE WEBSITE?
A: It's been fixed

Audience Question
Q: The new platform is great!
A: Thank you.

Audience Question
Q: I help my elderly mother with her account. When she logs into her accound she gets a sync msg. All it does is spin. What is she doing wrong?
A: Please contact support

Audience Question
Q: Are you keeping subscribtion at $500 per month
A: Yes, I believe so.

Audience Question
Q: when will version 2.90 become live? ie the new prestige panel come in place?
A: In February. We are currently testing.

Audience Question
Q: I have two withdrawals pending one was created on 28 January the second was created on 29 January, They both state pending please advise will they pay out or do I need to reverse one and allow an eight day window for the next payment?
A: The withdrawals have been paid, you'll see it shortly

Audience Question
Q: i made a withdrawl request on 08-01-2013 and have still not recieved it and the due date was 28-01-13 please advise what may have happened.Many thanks Chris for all you have done for us all!
A: The withdrawals are completed daily, you'll receive it shortly

Audience Question
Q: i made a withdrawl request on 08-01-2013 and have still not recieved it and the due date was 28-01-13 please advise what may have happened.Many thanks Chris for all you have done for us all!
A: So sorry. We are behind and currently trying to get caught up.

Audience Question
Q: Executive $500 per month?
A: Yes

Audience Question
Q: Looking forward to all BB coming over to the UK
A: Us also!!

Audience Question
Q: when is Niagra Falls event?
A: July 2013

Audience Question
Q: I ordered card on 18.01, payment has been taken but when I log in it says purchase your card, what to do? How can I check if is ordered or not?
A: In this case you must contact support

Audience Question
Q: any dates for Niagara Falls
A: July 2013

Audience Question
Q: I have sent many tickets regarding the live chat button! WHERE HAS IT GONE FROM THE WEBSITE?
A: We are improving

Audience Question
Q: BB is amazing thanks very much for everything
A: Thank you so much Paul!!

Audience Question
Q: i have payza withdraw pending since 26 dec, when will i get paid?
A: The payout has been completed, you'll receive it shortly

Audience Question
Q: How Does the Campains work i dont understand the system
A: Please see one of our tutorials on our site.

Audience Question
Q: i have a premium account and a notorized bb card. this morning i asked for a withdrawal to it and the due date is 21st feb. why is this? last friday chris said 15 calendar days, not 21 for it to load
A: The withdrawals have been paid, you'll receive them shortly

Audience Question
Q: Hi Chris, when will you be able to fix the payouts we haven't received from December, while it shows Paid! But never went on the card.
A: We are in process. Please be patient.

Audience Question
Q: I have had 5 P and 1 Bl cap last night and I have not received the money or replacement panels???
A: Please contact support

Audience Question
Q: Where do we find the form to withdraw more than 10,000?
A: It is on our site.

Audience Question
Q: I have not received funds from a request made on 10/20 to my bank account.
Submitted a ticket in Nov,Dec, and Jan with no solution.
A: The withdrawals have been made, you'll receive them shortly

Audience Question
Q: I have been paid to BB card for January 25th, though still havn't received the payment that was due January 25th.
A: The withdrawals have been made each day, you'll receive it shortly

Audience Question
Q: Is Niagara Falls at the begining or end of July?
A: Please stay tuned.

Audience Question
Q: I can see we are all concerned about withdraws....thanks for STRAIGHT answers only
A: The Withdrawals have been completed, the delay is caused my duplicate withdrawals on the same day. In such a case, we have to go into the system and unlock the restriction and then make the payout. We have to do this *each* time per multiple request. This is why there is a delay

Audience Question
Q: How do we upload ID for a corporate account. How does a corporate get paid
A: The options will be online shortly

Audience Question
Q: can we make it easyer to signup for new people joining
A: We are working on it. Thank you

Audience Question
Q: Hi Chris - I have over $100,000 outstanding on my STPay card. What is happening with STPay and am I still going to receive my money? Thanks
A: Yes, things are a bit behind. Thank you for your patience.

Audience Question
Q: How do we upload ID for a corporate account. How does a corporate get paid
A: The option should be available online, if not, please contact support

Audience Question
Q: hi...i've had an STP pending withdrawal since 15th Jan... EXACTLY when will this be paid please?
A: the withdrawals have been made, you'll see them shortly
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Старый 01.02.2013, 21:51
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Регистрация: 06.12.2012
Сообщений: 89
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Re: - Banners Broker

У кого аккаунт синхронизировался?
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