Re: Forex Trend -
Сообщение от Berila Marian
Я попросил некоторых объяснений о том, что здесь написано
и получил ответ:
"Unfortunately, from time to time our compatitors post slanderous information about the compamy and we sue them and win the cases.
as for this particular article you sent:
1. we do have a Bonus of loyalty offer. However it is not new. It has already been effective for a long time. and if you read the terms and conditions of the offer and how the company gets profit (commissions from trades) you will understand why it is profitable for clients and good for the company.
2. we work with many payments systems as you can see on our website. webmoney terminated the agreement with us. that is true. It stopped cooperating with some other companies too due to the change in legislation of their registration. We are doing our best and now we are transferring our clients' limits from webmoney to another payment system. We cannot be liable if our partners have problems, however we want our clients not to suffer from the work of our partners. and try to fix what we can.
3. I have already told you about Pantheon. It is beeing discussed the merge of our company and Pantheon. I mean if our management decide to buy Pantheon it will be a merge.
We are doing our best to improve the services in our company. "
Ничего особенного нового или интересного здесь не написано, кроме того, что человек говорит о том, что уже обсуждается слияние с Пантеоном. Точнее, если руководство примет решение о покупке Пантеона, то произойдет слияние.
Скажите, пожалуйста, от кого получен этот ответ?