Re: AlertPay Обсуждение
а как вот такие заявления алерта после вывода на банк более мения бюджетных сумм,честно говоря боюсь уже юзать этот ак,залочат под предлогом заходов с разных ипов
Thank you for choosing AlertPay as your secure payment processor. I am contacting you on behalf of AlertPay's Fraud Prevention department.
As one of the most secure and reliable online payment processors, we adhere to a comprehensive security policy for the protection of our network and our compliance with various laws and legislation.
In keeping with these policies, we will request that you reply to this email and provide the following information:
- Please provide us a list of any countries that your account may have been accessed from within the last 3 months
- Please explain why your account has been regularly accessed from a country other than the one listed in your AlertPay profile
We appreciate your cooperation while we ensure the security of our network.
Fraud Prevention Team
и вот эта тупость при заходе на ак)) Please update your expiration date and CSV/CVV.
каким блин образом это сделать!!!!