Re: - Banners Broker
Сегодня кончилось у меня терпение ,решил поговорить в лив чате по поводу движения панелей.
По всем панелям нет движения привожу пример жёлтой панели 27 февраля запустил на данный момент отработала на $2.13 / $20.00 .
Сегодня у нас уже 12 марта.Создаётся впечатление ,что просто издеваются над людьми,т.к.у моего спонсора сегодня панели обновились,а у меня нет ....вручную что ли по старинке обновляют...не понятно.
В чате наверное им дали указание отрубать клиентов ,отвечают какую-то еренду:
11:51Kelly Bannersbroker Canada: Hello
11:51Alexsander: hi!
11:51Alexsander: that is, I have yellow front :
Date Qualified
2013-02-27 06:07:25 (972c3319406b8990)
$2.13 / $20.00
Today on March 12, you just steal my money !!!
panel does not move at all !!!
11:52Kelly Bannersbroker Canada: How may I help you today?
11:52Kelly Bannersbroker Canada: Thank you for contacting support.
11:52Alexsander: that is, I have yellow front :
Date Qualified
2013-02-27 06:07:25 (972c3319406b8990)
$2.13 / $20.00
Today on March 12, you just steal my money !!!
panel does not move at all !!!
11:52Kelly Bannersbroker Canada: Since traffic varies, we do not have a set time as to when your panels may move, but if you wish to speed them up, you can create another new campaign. Doing so will bring more traffic to your panels.
11:54Alexsander: why my sponsor panels are moving and I have a very strange
11:55Kelly Bannersbroker Canada: Yes I understand, but traffic does vary from day to day, and by panel, and we can never know when it might be boosted.
11:56Kelly Bannersbroker Canada: If you feel it is moving too slowly, please create an active campaign, this will help boost your panel's traffic.
11:57Alexsander: this week due to changed to 60$ ((((
11:57Alexsander: If you stop working, so at least give people their money to work and then do what you want
11:58Kelly Bannersbroker Canada: I understand your frustration, but we have not stopped your panels. They can vary from day to day. Please add on an active campaign and it will help further your panel along. Thank you for contacting support, have a good day.
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даже не успел сказать что их компании не работают по органик трафику
Последний раз редактировалось alechko; 12.03.2013 в 14:18.