Friday Q&A Webinar Notes:
David Hooker speaking:
Good morning! Welcome to the call. We are waiting for all to get on the call. This is David Hooker on Chris' behalf. Chris and Raj and the team is visiting Israel and holding sessions there and in Cyprus, so they are travelling at the moment. They tried to change the travel for Chris to be on the call. He apologizes for that. Kurt is on the call with us also. He will be sharing some of the updates. WE hope to get to all the questions, but if we do not, we will take note of those questions and send email answers.
One thing to note -- a message from Ivan - he is thanking Chris for the M/C call and for having Ted Neam (sp) on the call the other day. Ted was to be on the call today, but Ted and his wife are having a baby today, so he is with his wife and new baby to be born today.
General Updates:
STP and is now available in every country. There was a rumor that Payza is now allowed in India, but it is not allowed there or UK at the moment.
STP is manual funding.
Payouts have been completed on STP and Payza and USA Bank w/d are also all caught up (this is from Chris).
Reasons why you may not be getting payments. If you have any chargebacks from AlliedWallet, you are no longer eligible for bank payouts. Also, if your eWallet has a negative balance, your payout will not be paid. Once you get your account back into "positive" then you must put in a new request.
New this week - Article Incentive traffic. You write your article, if approved, you are awarded traffic, then you use the traffic allocation tool to allocate that traffic. If the article has been declined, it could be: inappropriate content, maybe not related to the site, safe for all ages to read. Also, the article must be original. Articles that are plagerized or not written by the affiliate, you will be banned from Incentive Traffic in the future.
Make sure it is written in paragraphs with proper grammar.
You will find this to be really simple and easy.
The webinar about M/C the other day, we had over 7,000 people logged in, that's why it crashed, but we were able to continue. Thank you for the nice comments. He then shared the very positive comments from affiliates to Chris.
We were inundated with wonderful comments who have trust and faith in Chris and Raj and the whole team. We are just as serious about resolving these issues for BB and for the affiliates in the field. I do know we will have a solution very soon.
The M/C program is one of those companies who really reluctantly deals with direct sales companies. It was amazing that we were able to do this in the first 2 years. The question is, why would M/C want to turn their backs on all the money from BB? This is real simple -- the internet noise from people who wish to pull down successful companies. M/C like any international organization has to look after their brand. M/C just did not want to be associated with all the negative noise affecting their brand. Had nothing to do with BB not being a good company.
Compliance is out looking for websites that are presenting BB in a non-compliant manner. Compliance dept. is spending all day to find these sites and get these blogs, videos, etc. removed.
BB Card - M/C has given us until March 22nd to withdraw your funds from your card. ATM maximum is $1,000 USD per day. If you want to spend the money, then you have a daily limit of $2500. Last day for either ways is March 22nd. Please reverse your pending payouts to your BB Card and put your payout requests in another way.
*NOTE: David said the USA Bank withdrawals are available, but I do not think he is right about that (I added this part)
This is Chris' company and he has worked too long and too hard to let anything happen to BB. BB is here to stay. Chris has spent at least 5 years putting this together, and he "ain't walking away". Chris and Raj are determined... BB Lives On!! Onward and Upward.
Withdrawals - we are restricted in some ways for funds being sent across the world. We are approaching 400,000 members. STP and Payza will now also have the same monthly of $10,000 maximum, during this interim period. Pending withdrawals (STP and Payza) even if over the maximum will still be honored. For now, $10,000 per month, 4 times @ $2500/each.
We are working hard and diligently to getting a new processor in place. Regardless of what's happened, we are still growing.
I am off to France on Saturday. France is growing month by month. Spain is growing!! Sweden is growing. I am going there also. I'm off to Bangledesh on the 25th of April to get that area up and moving.
Nothing has changed - we are growing and traveling the world sharing BB.
Kurt, Congratulations on your first German webinar yesterday. Kurt will go through the questions/answers now.
Q&A (Kurt)
I've been skimming thru.
Panel movement - the engine is running live in the background. Because of the work on 2.9 in the background, you are not seeing it live and the updates may be slower, but the engine is running in the background and you will see the movement when all this is completed. Movement does not stop!!! It's just what you see that may have stopped, but the engine is running live and will show up after all the updates.
Mercedes Panel - the person who purchases the panel will get the entry. (note: this is not what the website says) The car will be purchased in whatever country you live in, if you win.
Incentive Traffic - we are asking you to please write them in English. We do not have the ability to read all the languages yet. Must be at least 250 words. 1250 for each blog. the "80" represents the minimum amount for it to be submitted, but, 250 minimum is required for approval.
Will BB use USA Bank Deposit? David says, Yes, that option is still there. (but its not.. we should tell support)
Office in UK is now open. It is a complete support office. Send your tickets in and they are answered very quickly.
Most of the questions are designed for Chris, so we will send them to him for answering.
Thank you for being on the call. We appreciate all your patience. I hope we have put Chris' info out to you in a proper manner.
BB is moving ever onward and upward.
I am flying to France and then to Span and Sweden. Have a great weekend, God Bless you, and thank you on behalf of Chris and Raj. I promise you a few years down the road, you will say I was there when this hiccup happened.
Happy Birthday to David!!
end of webinar