Ответ: Liberty Reserve Обсуждение
Сообщение от Sapiens
Если он зарегистрировался недавно (или сменил пароли), то причина может быть в озвученном либой периоде смены паролей - 60 дней...
Спрашивает у всех, кто первый раз заходит в эккаунт после последнего апдейта их системы. Вне зависимости от возраста эккаунта.
На форумах появилась инсайдерская информация от бывшего работника либерти подтверждающая последние слухи о хакреской атаке и сливе базы.
Firstly, this is important information that I feel needs to be disseminated to the community at large. I am not posting this in various forums out of spite or the fact that my services were recently terminated or the fact that some of my personal address details have been splashed all over the web.
Until recently, I had a technical support capacity with Liberty Reserve. As many people are aware, we have been struggling with some security issues for the past few months. Its important to note that these issues are NOT internal security problems. There has been NO breach of security by staff.
Unfortunately what there has been is a compromise of a hole in our API code and hackers (from Eastern Europe) have used this to access many members accounts and to eventually gain access to the LR members database. This is how they determined which accounts had large balances in them. I know that the corporate policy is that ALL users that lost funds did so due to phishing attacks, but this is really not true.
The reason why we have upgraded our script and security measures and are now requiring you to change your passwords and master keys has nothing really to do with improving anything but it is because hackers managed to get a copy of the LR member database and have been managing to access user accounts. So it was hoped that we could lock them out on mass by having the users choose new passwords without us having to admit fault.
Things at LR are in a dire situation and although (up until I was terminated) we are winning the battle against the hackers we are losing our trust with our account holders and exchangers. In fact, there seems to be a few exchangers who have a vested interest in seeing us fail as they have some extremely close ties to other DGC's as well as the hackers.
I make these statements as I feel its in the best interested of both LR and the community to get these problems out in the light and try and regain some of the trust that we have lost. I'll likely never work for them again due to our differences in ethics but I still hope they beat these Eastern European hackers.
Вкратце: хакеры (из Восточной Европы
) нашли дыру в API коде либерти и получили доступ к эккаунтам и всю базу эккаунтов либерти.
С этим и связана принудительная смена паролей.