Сообщение от rapidograf
пытался зайти на ft-profits но кроме пустого окна ни чего не обнаружил.
проект канул в тазике ?
Админ на MMG отпостил:
Dear investors,
We apologise for our current state, it was due to some mis-understanding with our host. They were demanding for too much.
Please do not panic, the site will be back in few hours time, your deposits and earnings are still intact.
We are determined to carry FT-Profits even beyond 2010 and no body or host can stop us. While this tarries, we'll continue trading in FOREX to realise more profits for you.
Thanks for your understanding.
-Eric Smith
А тазик тоже возможен! Но в скам еще не перенисли! Подождем