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Вопрос - ответ, отвечает X60, вообще новичок - 4 поста:
Why is he not in jail then?
That is a good question. No one on here or any where else for that matter seems to know why.
He has been taken to court as well before over unpaid debts from what I read...this was several years ago so he must have never gone to jail and not sure what the result of it was.
В ноябре 06 все эти выяснения происходили..
Один юзер не решился вложить:
Thanks to RISKFREE, Machenka, tugman and zleepan, I won't lose the milk money here. Since the minimum to join is $150 it's just too much of a risk for a test spend.
That's four people saying stay away here so my advice would be to stay away. Wait, that makes five! LOL
И дальше все затихло в обсуждении личности Тома.
Декабрь - была встреча с инвесторами в Панаме.
В декабре же вступил в этот клуб наш русский Raphael.. во всяком
случае - собирался.
В январе у сайта были проблемы с хостером..
Март - опять проблемы с сайтом.. пишут, что ДДОС-атака была.
13 апреля - опять негатив от Geeza - новичок, 2 поста:
Dont worry about it, nobody has been paid out the big money with S.N.G.
POOLS 1/2 still havent paid members their compounded profits having left
them to mature for 171 Days ! Members of Aceinvest which we all know opened
on the back of S.N.G. havent been paid either, S.N.G. allows you to withdraw
small amounts that you have not compounded on a two weekly basis, but the big
bucks are not paid after the 171 days are complete, notice they DONT MENTION
Сегодня - aotrade, 24 поста:
Do not invest.
I heard BAD news
Wait till the dust settles
Последний пост на ММЖ - опять же сегодня:
SNG is a major ponzi scam and won?t pay a single dime, just watch their forum if you have access. All the info you need is on this website:
Spread the word on all the major forums! Do not, I repeat, do not invest in this scam.
The founder is a well known scam artist in Scandinavia and now running to Panama!
Stay away, within 2 weeks a lawsuit will start, already 800 complaints at the Swedish police and gaining!!!
(( - некий Педро до такой степени разозлился на Тома, что создал целый сайт по этому поводу!
Hello, My Name Is Pedro Dispenza,
Please feel welcome to this special website, which was created to help stopping the fraudulent activities of scam-artist, Tom Sörnes, CEO of SNG Investment Club.
I am a founder of several Internet Businesses. After a 9 year presence on the Internet, I still have not achieved the level of success I am striving for and I have now figured out why this is so! I am a man with genuine, strong principals and pure ethic values, when it comes to doing business. Too often I thought that the other party shared similar values and principles - many times I was wrong and shown too much trust and faith in people.
I Have Been Scammed Too Often!
Revealing publicly the many times I was scammed will not lift my reputation as a smart and clever entrepreneur and maybe I will never become successful after my 'coming out'. But! I believe it is more important that you, the visitor, will learn something from my costly mistakes and that you will not step in the same traps.
Who to trust? Probably only oneself! How can a person do business if everybody is dishonest? I don't know the answer, but you should definitely avoid dealing with these people and companies!
Why this Website?!
Because I want to warn the public for a Norwegian Scam Artist living in Gothenburg - Sweden! Why he left Norway will also be published on this website! Please allow me to introduce:
Tom Sörnes, CEO of SNG and Pro Scam Artist (Click on the name) If you are an SNG member, or want to join SNG – beware! You will lose your money, and people who tell you they were paid – they were paid from the money invested by those members who joined SNG before you did. A popular name for such a Scam is Ponzi Scheme; SNG IS A PONZI SCHEME
I Have Had Enough!
I have been financially stripped too often. If I would have only lost my own money, I would just have to sit on the blisters – but it is a disaster losing money that belongs to members. I am not going to take it anymore! I regret that our members will read about all the misery I had to go through, while trying to realize their dreams, but I cannot keep silent any longer. It was not to be and our members will have to wait longer for their prosperity. I am ashamed that I could not deliver – I hope our members will accept my sincere apologies.
Now I will strike back and will go for a terrible blow beneath the belt and KO, because……………
I Have Been Scammed For The Last Time!
Tom Sörnes must be punished and I hope that the judge will let him camp in jail for many, many years. Maybe this will give him enough time to realize what financial and emotional damage he has braught about more than 10,000 credulous people. I will tell a story about how one business man, by using his family, gained trust from another business man and then terribly f**cked the other business man . The ‘other’ business man was me, Pedro Dispenza. I truly hate to get scr**ed, and even more if the act is performed by a man!
aXel, Вы бы попросили знакомого шведа разъяснить все эти нюансы, а?