"Ежедневные новости" от проекта:
Dear str8er,
Thank you for all your support, first round of payments have come and gone,
everyone recieved thier payouts instantly, i hope they will vote for us and
post when they rceievd thier payment!
Site is growing very steadily, im sure we can hit 2000 by today!
Running Since 08 Jan 2007
Total Members 81
Total Deposits $1170
Total Withdraw $70.31
Some issues i wish to touch on:
Multiple accounts: once again 3 multiple users were found, but not referred
back to back so it's alright.
remember, multiple accounts refered to each other will have thier funds frozen!
We have a few inactive memberships in the database,
what are you waiting for? Jump on in with us now! Experience the Instant Results!
Привел статистику за первый день и надеется, что будет 2000 ко второму дню...не знаю, не знаю...вложились-то все в основном из-за прелаунча...
Также обращает внимание на мульти-акки, которые являются рефами один для другого...обещает удалять.
Всем участникам проекта удачи!