alfa-invest -
Новый проект на 60 дней. Работает с LibertyReserve, Perfectmone , c-gold, Strictpay, Ecumoney, EvoWallet
1.5% daily for 60 days (mon-fri)
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 $5 - $999 1.50
Principal returned
2% daily for 60 days (earning every day)
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 2 $1,000 - $10,000 2.00
Referral: 4
Withdrawal: Manual
Посмотреть и зарегистрироваться
Date 5/28/2009 18:59
Payment mode Account
Batch 15632008
To U2156092 (Alfa Invest Ltd.)
From U2668500 (G.S)
Amount $40.00
Memo Deposit to Alfa Invest Ltd. User