Сообщение от SPEKULANT
Не понял шо с серфом он шо переоткрывается?
Не совсем так. Насколько я понимаю, речь идет о завершении цикла и простом оставлении сайта онлайн.
Дальше будет подсчитано, кто сколько заработал. Те кто использует EvoWallet. получат всё заработанное, остальные - первоначальные депозиты.
Мониторингам выплаты прекращены с сегодняшнего дня.
Аполоджайзы, регреты и прочие сорри наличествуют.
It is with deep sadness that we must announce that Superlord Surf will be closed as of today, April 20th.
We have done all we can to revive it and to make SLS a profitable surf for members. We've provided responsive support, and fast payouts, but unfortunately, once a monitor begins to flame in the forums......even though the rumour he begins is entirely false.....the gossip spreads like a raging wildfire and ruins the chances of a program's success. Regardless of the posts of members who have been promptly paid, there is always someone there with a sarcastic comment.
Well, I'm afraid these people have won, which is sad for the members who upgraded. It is a fact that when members fail to upgrade in a program, the program fails, and one thing we
didn't want to do is carry it through to a new cycle of upgrades by our current members.
This is what we will do. Superlord Surf will remain open, not for new members to join, or for further upgrades, but so the members who supported us can be paid or refunded. This will happen as soon as we possibly can. Meanwhile, those who wish to continue to surf for credits, are welcome to do so.
Our Reimbursement Plan:
First we will calculate what each upgraded member is owed, based on his/her number of surf days. Members who have an evowallet ID posted as one of their processors, will be paid their
full earnings. Those who prefer to be paid via their choice of processor, will be given a refund of their original upgrade. Monitors who have been paid daily, will be paid up to
today, as after today they will no longer be monitoring us.
We're sorry that everyone won't be happy, but we feel this is the fairest way to do it.We invested a considerable amount in the creation and design of SLS, and also in the Ddos hosting and advertising, and with so few upgrades, the only way we can payout members is from our own pockets. This we are determined to do, and we promise that every member will
receive at least a refund, hopefully before the end of April.(Members who wish to contact us, may continue to do so via the support form. )
We thank all members who faithfully posted in the forums or on the monitors for your support. It's good to know there are people like you around, and your efforts have been much appreciated.
Enjoy a good summer,
Fritz and Team,
Superlord Surf
Вполне предсказуемо, после шумихи на ммг.ком, но очень и очень жаль. Возможно, поступи админы умнее и используй другой STP кошелек, и SLS стал бы первым крупным серфом в этом году.
добавлено через 20 часов 51 минуту
Рефанд получил в полном объеме
Original Transaction Details:
To User : submitads1
Transaction Amount : USD10.20
Transaction ID# : 2680516
Comments (if provided): Payment For 167-1