lot-money - lot-money.com
Lot-money is a private investment group operating on the world securities and currencies markets since 1998. Having started as a small investment group operating only on the United Kingdom stock market, we have gradually expanded our investment activities on all major financial markets of the world. Our representatives operate all over the globe thus providing us with a big picture view on the world of finance. As of now we have over 130 qualified employees worldwide.
10-12% daily for 30 days
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
Lot-BRONZE $0 - $200 10.00
Lot-SILVER $201 - $600 11.00
Lot-GOLD $601 and more 12.00
200-230% After 15 days
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $0 - $200 200.00
Plan 2 $201 - $600 210.00
Plan 3 $601 and more 230.00
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