globaloilprofit -
Новый проект -
Старт: 28.08.2010
Платежные системы: LR, PM
Test Plan (34% Hourly For 3 Hours - Instant Withdraw)
Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)
Test 1 $5 - $5,000 34.00
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Daily Plan (120% After 1 Day - Instant Withdraw)
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Daily 1 $1 - $500 112.00
Daily 2 $501 - $5,000 115.00
Daily 3 $5,001 and more 120.00
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Normal Plan (170% After 3 Days - Instant Withdraw)
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Normal 1 $1 - $500 140.00
Normal 2 $501 - $5,000 150.00
Normal 3 $5,001 and more 170.00
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Premium Plan (250% After 7 Days - Instant Withdraw)
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Premium 1 $1 - $500 200.00
Premium 2 $501 - $5,000 220.00
Premium 3 $5,001 and more 250.00
Мой вклад:
Date : 2010-28-08 09:53:07
From/To Account : U4355134 (GlobalOilProfit)
Amount : -10.0000
Currency : LRUSD
Batch : 43764772
Memo : Deposit to User